OJB: Absinthe

**absinthe** in pain; world-weary, are ye? burdened. weighted with worry?

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The Toast

Her eyes went from the absinthe to her ring and back as if comparing the two as items of equal value. to a bum, maybe they were.

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The Casebook of Dr. Exeter, Chapter Three

He was visibly shaken by the brief event that had transpired only moments ago, and i wrapped a blanket around his shoulders and poured him a copious drink of absinthe, laced with opium from my private stock to calm the shaken feline.

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Background Info (Jonas)

Data storage id number : 0559723 chosen name: jonas approximate age: 350 official report: "jonas" as it's called is actually an "absinthe" a creature that uses the human body as a way to break past beings barriers making them feel safe and finally killing

Green Fairy (Dangerous Spirits #1) Spoiler-Free Review

Inspired by the spirit of the era, meg and sol share a glass of absinthe, with startling effect: sol begins to dream that he is a cabaret dancer named niki, offered a chance to escape his difficult life through romance -- at the price of his beloved art of

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Trials and Typing

Rufus ran over to check on absinthe, cradling him in his arms and seeing that he was bruised all over his stomach and chest.

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Farewell, my detective. (Nº1)

We walked to a bar called fairy wings, it had a big neon green sign on the front it was of a fairy hugging a bottle of absinthe. there became our meeting place and marked the beginning of our friendship.

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Commission- Femme Fatals

She nodded to vorel and took another sip of her absinthe. her senses seemed to be unusually sharp this night, and she was aware of every little thing happening in and around their ballroom.

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Leyak! (*Short Story*) Part 2 of 2

His eyes were bloodshot and his breath reeked of sweet absinthe. he cradled some object in his arms, as if it were an infant child.

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Chapter 6- All the Love in the World

The cat almost went into the absinthe bar, before remembering she didn't want to drink again. ever. they were currently in frankfurt, with a day off before the show.

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A Spirit on the Rise - Episode 4

"you can call me absinth... liquor joke!" spirit knew this guy's style after their first fight, and with no backup this time around he wasn't gonna be much of a threat!

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Becoming Berkley

He'd sampled scotch, vodka, even absinthe in the past few days and they all went down great, especially when coupled with nice juicy dripping raw steaks.

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