Trials and Typing

Story by Eurasia M on SoFurry

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#2 of Trainer Eura (side stories)

The battle begins between Trainer Rufus and Trainer Eura. Both have seen quite a bit, and won't let down. Who will win this subway battle?!

Thank you for reading this story. This is a collaboration between Teckworks and myself.

Rufus, Elgiza and Farnz are trademarked to him. Used with permission.

Pokémon and such are Gamefreak and Nintendo.

All other original characters are trademarked to me.

The two stared each other down, Elgiza anxious to get her claws dirty in that rude trainer. The silence was deafening and the tension thicker than a snorlax with thick fat, " can't win. Rizan will rip it apart with one hit." thought Eura to himself, already knowing who to send out first. Rufus looked down at his belt for a moment and realized something, hesitating a moment to throw the ball before suddenly an alarm rang, making the two trainers turn their heads and see the arena walls come down, along with a prerecorded message playing, "Sorry for the inconvenience, but this battle has been suspended. Trainer battles are not permitted 3 minutes prior to a train arriving, during boarding and departure. Thank you and thank you for choosing Gear Station as your preferred method of transport. Have a nice day!" said a female voice, the weavile sucking her teeth as things were delayed a bit.

"Ah damn it...forgot about that. Well then, a subway battle it is then. Your team got spared a bit longer Rufus!" exclaimed Eurasia with a smirk, reattaching the ball to his hip and walking back to the seats, Elgiza growling at the eye-level trainer. Rufus shook his head and gave a light sigh, taking a moment to also put away his ball and walk towards his things. His partner followed suit, keeping close and only having the image of victory in her head, "That...trainer really ticks me off. Getting lucky like that... I'll give him the night slash of his nightmares when you order it Rufus." she promised, seeing that they had walked to the escalator and Rufus had begun using the P.C.

Rufus eyed his Pokémon box, already knowing what he had in mind to deal with a hot headed trainer like that, "We may have dodged a bullet there Elly. I only had Garamonde and you on my person...and he had a full party. A disadvantage in numbers is a major disadvantage. I'm bringing Trojan, Andras, Absinthe, and...Magenta for this." he replied, Elgiza nearly forgetting that her master wasn't the type to keep a full party on him. Normally Rufus would only participate at organized competitions and would ready a party beforehand and keeping only his weavile mostly on him. He never really was much of a street battler type of trainer, "Though given that he is a dragon type trainer...and that arrogance. You probably would've been enough. But better safe than sorry." he added, looking back at her with a confident smile that made her blush a bit.

Trainer Eurasia noticed his opponent going to the P.C., taking a guess that he got nervous and changed his team up. Though what was bothering him was that he seemed very familiar, knowing that it had to be something on T.V., "...Something about him...he kind of reminds me of Krow. Ah whatever. He'll most likely have many different types on him...though Rizan and Kyu will pull through." he muttered, leaning back a bit and seeing the train finally arriving. The loud screech of the train entering and coming to a halt made Elgiza cringe a bit. Rufus had a full belt of Pokémon now, already devising an idea around someone with at least four dragon types. But that left what the other two could be, assuming if that Rizan is one the dragon types.

Thinking so hard on too many variables was a waste of time, seeing his opponent standing with a serious glare in his eyes. Eurasia had the eyes of a seasoned trainer, thinking hard on what to expect, "...Rufus...I know for a fact I've seen you somewhere...definitely on TV...but whatever. Gotta think of the battle. I have faith in you guys. Shyranrya, Rizan. All of you never let me down." he thought to himself, feeling the rush of a powerful trainer go up his spine. Despite not showing it, he was somewhat nervous, usually knowing what his opponent would have in tournament. Though this weavile loving punk seemed to be a hardened trainer as well, he planned on going all out this time. As the train arrived, it gave out a loud screen upon stopping, the doors opening after a few minutes with no one on board. More people came down into the waiting area, a few holding on to their Pokémon before finally being allowed on the train. Elgiza got quite a few stares during the waiting period, hiding behind Rufus as a few kids asked questions on why his weavile looked bigger than any they've seen before.

After some quick explanations, Train conductors Emmet and Ingo came out in style, posing for the crowd, "Everyone, sorry for the delay! But we're ready to take you all home!" they shouted in unison, everyone clapping since they were both famous for being the subway bosses. Everyone went on board first, with Eurasia and Rufus, along with Elgiza, glaring each other down and waiting to see which train car was empty. The two entered the same train car at opposite ends and sitting at opposite ends. Elgiza preferred to remain standing, her long tail feathers normally ruffled up when sitting down, "So who are you sending out first Rufus? Me I hope..." she asked while growling in annoyance, clenching her fists and ready to humiliate that trainer.

Rufus merely shook his head, gripping a poke ball from his belt and clenching it, "Sorry Elly, but not this time. Strategically talking, it's too risky. He may be a dragon trainer, but he has a fire type. A fire type strong enough to sweep through nearly a full team. You can't take a super effective hit like that...probably going to send Andreas out to be safe. Dragon user like him, I'll be ready with ice beam or surf." explained her master, having thought out the best possible Pokémon to test out. Elgiza was disappointed, but from their experience, she knew Rufus was being extra careful on a trainer he knew little about. Eurasia merely pondered what to have to eat later, already knowing who he would send out, and the rest he'll roll with whatever Rufus throws at him.

Outside was a completely mess, being dark and the sound of the wind being heard along with the train moving over the tracks. There was a 4 minute waiting period for battling, to ensure everyone's safety once the train had stabilized on the tracks, before finally the green light lit up, letting everyone know battling was now allowed. Elgiza remained close to Rufus as he stood up, Eurasia doing the same and walking up a few steps. This time Eurasia pressed the battle button near the end of the train car, the area widening to nearly double of what it was before, and all of the metal poles and stands being moved out the way, "Finally Rufus. No more delays! Prepare to lose!" shouted the eager trainer Eurasia, Elgiza clenching her teeth as Rufus adjusted his black vest, holding up a poke ball towards his opponent, "Hope you're hungry Eurasia. Because you're about to eat your words!" he retorted, the two sending out their first Pokémon.

Their poke balls flew out and opened up, revealing both of their first picks in a flash of light. A sandstorm began to blow, the sides of the train turning to screens and displaying each trainer. Rufus held an arm to his eyes, Elgiza knowing a few Pokémon that start a sandstorm when entering the battle. To the left of Rufus showed his battle data, from the amount of Pokémon in the party, to their current health. To the right of him was his mug shot, name and current Pokémon with its nickname. Pokémon Trainer Eurasia was shown on the other side, with his first choice, a Tyranitar. What was surprising was the size of this Tyranitar, knowing the average size for one is 6'07", this one was a bit over 7 feet tall. It only made its trainer tinier in comparison, wondering if he could even control it. It was most likely a physical sweeper given that it was also wearing a fiery looking headband, a choice band.

"Andras, show him how we do it!" ordered Rufus, knowing that he chose the proper Pokémon with his Samurott. His mustache blew in the strong wind caused by the dark/rock type opponent, knowing that he had the type advantage. Eurasia was prepared for such a Pokémon, knowing that sandstorm provided the perfect protection against his weakness of water types, "Knew it. A water type. Shyranrya. Kick things off with a Stone edge!" commanded the red haired trainer, pointing right at the Samurott in front of his current opponent. The Tyranitar roared loudly, stomping its left foot and summoning several large pointed stones into the air, floating around its form. With its high critical hit ratio, it was a good attack to have since it gains extra power due to stab. Elgiza clenched her fist, hoping that the shorty wouldn't get the first point. With her experience with Andras, he was pretty tough, and when it got tough, that ability of his would knock anyone out no matter what.

Rufus apparently did not give an order to attack yet, surprised that the Tyranitar had the speed advantage. Samurott wasn't the slowest, but that must have meant that it was very high level, "Andras, prepare to counter attack!" shouted Rufus, getting a nod from the Samurott before the attack commenced. The pointed stones slammed into Andras one by one, howling in pain as he was blown back towards his trainer. Pieces of rock landed at Rufus' feet, glancing to the left to see that it was a critical hit. Eurasia clenched his fist in victory and prepared for an OHKO, though he seemed shocked when the Samurott had not fainted, "What!? That wasn't an OHKO?" he thought to himself, Shyranrya looking surprised as well since she was in top physical form.

Chance and accuracy was something Rufus did not play around with, knowing that relying on that was just asking to lose. Andras had lost about 77% of his HP, being in the red. With his HP that low, it mean that the counter attack would be that much more powerful, "80 percent accuracy my...well time to return the favor. Torrent Surf that Tyranitar!" yelled out Rufus, Andras giving an aggressive bark and summoning a large wave of water from under his feet. Even with sandstorm giving a boost in special defense, this was going to hurt, Eurasia just noticing that it had the ability of torrent. However he had faith that his Pokémon could withstand it, seeing that wave of water smash into Shyranrya and knock her off her feet. That was a perfect hit, Elgiza feeling that victory already in their favor. She was now more anxious to get in, hoping that she'll be sent in sooner than later.

The impact caused the Tyranitar to fly back into her trainer, Rufus wincing a bit considering how heavy that Pokémon was, even more so as it was a bigger than average one. It was a trainer hazard that everyone had to deal with, "Critical hit...okay didn't expect that. Hey Eurasia! You didn't faint like your Pokémon did you!?" he shouted, checking on his opponent as the water was drained from the field. Eurasia pushed forward against his heavy Pokémon, doing so with little effort it seemed as his Pokémon had fainted from that powerful attack. The last thing he expected was to be beaten by a water move, a special attack water move no less, setting his Pokémon down on her side and patting her cheek, "It's okay. You did some damage...Just didn't expect that torrent."

Maybe this trainer wasn't such a blow hard thought Rufus, seeing him talk to his Pokémon before putting her back into her poke ball. It was 1-0 in his favor so far, seeing Andras take some damage from the active sandstorm. With little less than 20 percent hp left, Andras running back to his trainer and awaiting further orders. He barked happily that it scored the first point, "Excellent Work. I know you're pretty hurt but I need you to stay in. Test what's coming out next." explained Rufus, knowing that this trainer was too hot headed for anything too strategic. It was probably best to leave him in for that safe switch in, getting an understood bark from his panting Samurott.

"Hey Andras, you're not big stuff for taking out my Shyranrya! Don't say that she was easy! You just got lucky!" shouted Eurasia in annoyance, Rufus raising an eyebrow and Andras seeming surprised that he seemed to understand that trash talking. Such an odd thing to say out of nowhere, but who could expect anything less from a brute. Rufus cleaned his sleeve off of the sand still flying around, ready for the next round, "Come on, you're better than that. Let our Pokémon do the battling. I choose to keep Andras in.", exclaimed the classy trainer, pointing a finger forward and his Samurott running back to the middle of the field. Eurasia threw out the next poke ball, bringing out a Hydreigon

"As I thought...a dragon type. Was wondering when he'd bring one out." thought Rufus, knowing that this Pokémon had quite a bit of speed. Though power over accuracy seemed to be his strategy, Andras won't survive another hit from anything. The three heads roared as it floated in front of its master, seeing its prey. The life orb tied to the middle head showed that it was going to be powerful attacker, glancing back to her trainer and blushing somewhat. That expression, and life orb must have meant that it was most likely a timid nature, which made sense. Going timid meant also that not only it was going to be fast, but a special attacker as well, "Well now, let's do--!?", before he could even give an order, Hydreigon blasted it away with a dark burst of energy. Eurasia smirked as his Pokémon's speed once more allowed the first strike, "Dark Pulse Baby. Eat it.", Taunted Eura, returning the favor, but seeing that he took a bit of damage thanks to sandstorm still in effect and life orb.

Samurott whined in pain as it was flung back like a rag doll, Elgiza quickly jumping and catching her fellow Pokémon before it could hurt her trainer. Its speed was rather impressive, though it kind of doesn't seem as great when it was up against a weakened opponent, "...It's fast. Very fast. Andras, take a break. You did great." complimented Rufus, wiping the sweat and sand from his face and bringing his prized fighter back. Elgiza felt the need for some pay back, thinking that it was probably the fast Pokémon Eurasia's team, "Rufus, let me take care of him. That Hydreigon is easy pickings!" she pleaded, a cold chilling air radiating from her white claws. Although she did have the advantage in typing, that dragon could know focus blast for all he knew. Speed was another issue, knowing that the nature made it pretty damn fast.

"It's risky Elgiza...that focus blast could knock you out with one blow...and no telling if he'll switch--wait no, he won't.", he cut himself off, knowing that the chances of this trainer switching in a strategic sense was nil zero. Knocking out that special sweeper would be a great set back to that trainer, deciding to go with the odds, "Go. Keep on your feet though. That focus blast will knock you out no matter what." reminded Rufus, Elgiza giving an evil looking smirk, with a nod. She dashed forward to the middle of the field, seeing that the Hydreigon growl at her. Eurasia held in his gut and laughed, surprised that he would send in his team's ace so fast, "Already? You must be getting desperate. I'll show you once and for all that a weavile isn't a good Pokémon! Dahlia, show her your focus blast in her face!"

The sandstorm was annoying, but it was nothing compared to what she has fought in, cracking her fingers and seeing the Hydreigon charge that move, "Elly, ice punch that overgrown lizard. On all three of its heads!" shouted Rufus, technically not even needing an order as that was on her mind. Train Eura noticed that the soothe bell the weavile had was gone, switched with a dark gem. Not that it would help considering that his Dahlia was a dark type. Elgiza brought on the speed as she jumped up, seemingly to vanish from the field with how fast she was. Dahlia was still charging her attack, about to launch it before getting an ice punch on the left head, bringing that cold covered fist from left head to right head, bringing down that dragon with a thud strong enough to bend the floor of the battle field. The life orb flew off its neck, Eurasia catching it with his left hand but left speechless.

Eurasia's look of shock was delicious to the weavile, probably not expecting something like that from a Pokémon he spoke so badly about, "Ice Punch. Why don't you eat it.", she taunted back, sticking her tongue out and loving the look of aggravation on that trainer's face. Quickly he ran to check on his Pokémon, seeing that had had completely been knocked out. He wiped away the ice shards from each head, clenching his fist tightly at seeing a bit of blood was running down Dahlia's main head. It was super effective, but that weavile purposely went out of her way to hurt his Dahlia by attacking all three heads at the same time, "Oh man...Dahlia. I'll get you healed up ASAP. That bitch won't get away with this."

Rufus rubbed his forehead, seeing the only bad side was Elgiza taking a small hit from that sandstorm. She casually wiped the bits of sand from the red plume on her head, her master leaning in to also dust her off, "That was pretty reckless. And a bit harsh....But still, nice work. He won't be thinking so clearly now with revenge on his mind." commented Rufus, wondering what would be the next big choice. The weavile felt good after that, having a personal thing against dragon types, "I had to do it Rufus. He wasn't taking you seriously...hopefully he'll give you the respect you deserve." she replied, getting a cheek rub from her master and blushing somewhat.

With two down so far, he really had to step things up. Eura decided to go all out with power now, the sandstorm not helping anymore, "....Kyu, set things up for Rizan. She'll sweep the rest of them up in case the rest of you fall." he muttered to his next poke ball, tossing out his next Pokémon. Rufus followed up suit, changing his Pokémon and giving out the next dose of pain for the red haired trainer. It was a difficult choice to choose who to send out next, this trainer not very consistent in his team so far.

The sandstorm came to a stop and an intense burning light started to shine, cutting through the blurry vision and showing the next Pokémon, "?...Drought? The amount of Pokémon with that are incredibly slim...ninetales?!" he wondered to himself, having sent out his trusty Porygon Z. It was a Pokémon that Eurasia had not seen often, only knowing that it was a normal type. The odd eyes and jittery motion gave Eura the creeps, the head spinning around a few times as it stared at the elegant ninetales wearing a blue scarf. That low purr it gave as it felt confident it could beat such an ugly looking Pokémon. It gave out several computer like beeps, its arms twitching about while its head was completely turned around, "That sunlight will give that fox a decent power increase....not to mention that choice scarf. Triple threat time. Special Attack is your specialty."

With its orders given, it slowly turned its head, then tilting it at a 45 degree angle as it stared at both trainer, and Pokémon. Eurasia stomped his foot onto the ground and clenched his hands, "Kyu, first blast that whatever it is! Your power is unbeatable!" he shouted, the yellow furred ninetales opening her mouth and blowing out an intense orange flame that became the famous symbol fire blast was known for. The size of that blast was bigger than anything Rufus had seen before, stepping back a bit with Elgiza and shielding his eyes from the explosion. It was enough to rock the car a bit, but it was nothing to worry about in terms of crashing. That direct hit, in pure sunlight was enough to bring Trojan.exe to the red, having little under 10 percent of its stamina left. Elgiza even understood that a fire hit from that Pokémon would melt her alive, now a bit glad that she was not kept in.

Eurasia was happy that it landed and dealt massive damage, but the fact that once again it was not an OHKO was getting on his nerves. He'd rarely go a fight without it lasting 4-6 turns, depending on the battle format, "I can't believe this...How the hell is he doing this?...He's not a ranked trainer but his Pokémon are tough like if Rufus was one.", he thought in frustration, seeing three bright lights coming from the other side. Suddenly his ninetales was slammed with three beams, a thunderbolt, flame thrower, and ice beam, all hitting in succession. Tri attack combined the elements of fire, electricity and ice to a neutral one, knocking Kyu on her side with a whine of pain. Rufus was over the shock of that hit and saw that he landed a decent hit as well, leaving the fox with a little under 20 percent. Trojan.exe was physically panting, it's twitching slowed down and beeping slower than before, putting all of its effort into that attack.

"That was tri attack!? That's pretty cool...but not cool enough to beat Kyu. Send that...thing to the recycle bin." ordered Eurasia, tasting that next point but seeing his Pokémon unable to move. Rufus gave a smirk, raising both arms in faux shock, "Oh what's this? Seems to be paralyzed. With fear? Ah well, tough like next time. Triple Triple that mutt Trojan!" cut in Rufus, snapping his fingers and seeing his porygon Z charge up the next Tri attack. Eurasia couldn't believe that he got a status effect at the worse time, glancing at the porygon about to fire its lasers and realizing something. It was enough to make him feel relieved as the fire-electric-ice came down on his ninetales, that growl of pain over taking her before fainting from her injuries.

"Three to one Eura. You're at half of your team now...has the feeling to concede started to take over yet?", taunted Rufus, seeing his opponent go to his Pokémon's side and pet her head, not seeing the same look of anger as before. Eurasia looked back up and gave a thumbs down, right when trojan.exe began to fall to the floor. For some reasons his Pokémon also fainted, resulting in a double KO for the trainers. Elgiza was confused until she ran over to check on the Porygon Z, finding that it had suffered a status effect as well, "Burned...that fire blast left more than just a scratch. I let my eagerness get the better of me for a second..." he reflected on himself, feeling the heat of the drought making him warmer than he'd like to be.

So much heat was not good for an ice type, feeling like she'd start sweating soon, "Trojan did well. Knocked another block off that trainer. Who do you think he'll send next?" asked Elgiza, seeing Trojan get put back into his poke ball. With the heat, he would undoubtedly need speed, not wanting to allow anyone else to out run him. Though seeing that the ninetales had a choice scarf, and with Hydreigon finished off, there was little else that could possibly out run him. Elgiza was a prime example of speed, those legs made to run and more, though now was not the time to think about that, "Well...I doubt he has a Gengar. I'll let Absinthe take the floor. He's fast, and any other fire types will get quaked."

That tone of voice Rufus took made the weavile shiver, seeing that he was really into it. The fame he had back then, the yells and cheers for him were good reminders that he was and always has been a true trainer. Eurasia stood back up and saw that he was down to half of his team left. It would be critical on who to send out next, "...Najapala. You're the last big physical attacker. No one can match your speed and kicks. I'm counting on you." he whispered to the poke ball in his hand, expanding it and tossing out his next major choice. To Eurasia's surprise, he saw a flygon, one of the few dragons he didn't like. To Rufus' confusion and anger, a mienshao was sent out by his opponent, greatly making him angry.

"Wh-what-what?! What?! What the...a mienshao!? Why? What is your strategy? Did you just take a motley group of Pokémon and just put them together on a team? I thought you had a sandstorm team...then a sun based team...what is going on here!?", he frantically questioned, losing his cool for that one moment and getting a light push in the back from her number 1 Pokémon. It was just, so frustrating to see a trainer go about like this without any real plan, Pokémon training to him was like chess. Eurasia shrugged and stuck his tongue out at him, "I'm all about kicking your ass Rufus. It's what I do best to trainers who think they're hot shit but aren't. Your luck is over!" retorted the hot headed trainer, Rufus clenching his teeth and giving his flygon the orders.

The red dome covered eyes glanced back and nodded, seeing that his opponent was a cute one, rather liking the look on that female mienshao's face. That serious gaze was something to be reckoned with, the purple eyes staring at him with those whiskers swaying idly. He wasn't too worried, flapping his wings quickly flying forward and in circles at a rather fast speed. Najapala cracked her knuckles with a small toothy smirk, seeing her target in sight before waving the fur over her hands around. She jumped up and intercepted the flygon, making him stop almost instantly before giving him a strong clap to both of his cheeks. Though he was cute, the fight was more important than what he felt, quickly jumping down and preparing the follow up.

"Fake out?! Absinthe, pull yourself together!" shouted Rufus, seeing his flygon dazed for the moment, then shaking it head. He lost sight of the sexy looking mienshao and frantically looked around, unsure what move to use in retaliation. It didn't matter much as he felt her foot pushing up from under him on his stomach, and the air in his lungs being kicked out. That high jump kick came from below, knocking the flygon into the ceiling with an incredible amount of force and making it bounce off and land on the floor. Taken out with two hits, two hits that were faster than one of his fastest Pokémon. Najapala turned to face her fallen adversary, giving him wink with a playful growl, then going back to her master.

Rufus ran over to check on Absinthe, cradling him in his arms and seeing that he was bruised all over his stomach and chest. That kick was nothing to laugh about, seeing his Pokémon turn over to glance at that sexy looking gal, then look down in shame, "Huh...Fake out into a High Jump kick. That's actually not bad. be faster than you. I under estimated him." he spoke to his Pokémon, Eurasia looking a bit annoyed at his mienshao for some reason. Elgiza hadn't expected that either, though she was able to keep up with that mienshao with no problem, "We do not flirt with the enemy! I don't care if he's cute, or you like his IVs. That's the type of dragon I don't want you associating with."

Elgiza found that odd once more, understanding that the mienshao said "You're cute and those IVs look delicious, but too bad we have to fight. Maybe another time." to Absinthe, but there was no way that trainer would be able to understand what she said perfectly. Rufus recalled his Pokémon and stepped back behind the line, seeing that he himself was down to 3 Pokémon as well, "Tied up. You're not tough shit now that your Pokémon got OHKOed huh Rufus? Wait...just realized...that rhymes with Doofus! Ha-ha!" taunted Eurasia as he laughed, Elgiza clenching her fist and wanting to teach that trainer some manners. Rufus recalled his Pokémon back into the ball and stood back up, clenching his fist tightly and thinking about the next Pokémon to send out. Lightning struck outside, breaking the silence between the trainers and making Elgiza feel Goosebumps over her skin.

"So what now? She's fast, but I can take her.", remarked Elly with confidence, stretching her fingers and wanting to sink her claws into something. Rufus shook his head and planned on ending that Mienshao, "No, not yet." he replied as he chose his next Pokémon. The good thing with Eurasia was not a switcher and it would be unlikely he would do so now while he held his head high thought Rufus, "Well's still too early to call the match. Hopefully you won't run away." taunted Rufus, his tone sounding more serious and calculating than before. Eurasia kept in Najapala as expected, with Rufus bringing out a rather special Pokémon.

Najapala was ready for anything, but not this, even Eurasia looking speechless as out came a Gallade. But not just any Gallade, one that was sparkly upon coming out, having a blue coloration than the green one he had seen in the past. What made him more unique was the pink scarf around his neck and over his chin, majestically floating with the ends frayed and worn out, "A shiny Gallade? What a show off....though what's with the pink scarf?" thought Eura, his plan not changing in the least. The Mienshao blushed a bit as she looked at his form, covering her nose and cheeks slightly with her fur sleeve as he was not only a unique specimen, but his overall body structure and physique was first class, "Garamonde. You know what to do. Cut her down." he ordered, Najapala taking an attack pose and raised her left leg. Garamonde was a powerful looking Pokémon, rubbing his sharp arms together and ready to fight. It was a powerful looking Gallade but slow if Eurasia was remembering that right, having the advantage already.

She zipped to the right, and left, Garamonde following her movements but knowing that he wouldn't be able to keep up with such fast moving legs despite his eyes being able to. His scarf swayed to right as he turned, to follow her, seeing that she was going in for a high jump kick, "Garamonde, slice her up psychic style.", ordered Rufus with his fist and teeth clenched tight, acknowledging it and gathering the power in his arms. She was incredibly fast he thought, though foolish to think that she could defeat him with a mere kick. Both of those sharp looking arms began to glow a deep purple, grunting a bit and nearly losing his scarf as he got a kicked square on the stomach, just below the faded red horn coming out of its chest.

Even with the resistance, it did hurt more than expected, Najapala unable to even push him back as he poured all she could into that high jump kick. Garamonde took a deep breath and pushed her back with his stomach, knocking her off balance and yelled and using both arms to slice upwards vertically, "Oh crap, Psycho Cut?! Naja, watch out!" shouted Eurasia in vain, seeing his Pokémon getting hit dead on by the purple crescent wave. The power of the psycho cut was nothing like Eurasia had ever seen, seeing his Pokémon's stamina instantly head to zero. It left a purple fiery trail and a low screech as it traveled over the floor and right for the wide eyed trainer. Quickly he opened his arms to catch his Pokémon, grunting as he felt the force of that move slam him right into the door behind him. It nearly knocked the air out of him, leaving him on his knees and panting as he cradled his precious Pokémon.

The silence was deafening but refreshing considering that Rufus didn't have to hear Eurasia's mouth any longer. Garamonde simply wrapped his arms around his chest and turned back around to towards his trainer, knowing that she was not coming back to fight from such a blow, "Nice work Monde. Finally he shut up.", complimented Elgiza, giving a thumbs up to the fighter. With two left, Rufus knew one of them had to be a charizard, leaving only one unknown. Eurasia rubbed Naja's cheek and petted her gently, rarely ever having been pushed to a corner like this, "...I really hope you don't hate me after this. Rufus is a good trainer." he muttered, feeling one of his poke balls shake, then open right up.

Out came beside him his prized Pokémon, the power house of the group and the one responsible for many of his champion victories. His charizard Rizan had enough waiting, seeing the match info uploaded to her poke ball wirelessly and wanting to scope out the competition herself. Rufus and Elgiza raised an eyebrow, seeing that Eurasia didn't summon that charizard himself, and seeing it growl with a bit of fire puffing out, "Oh she's mad...she's asking what is Eura doing.", remarked Elgiza, seeing that this charizard was rather big, taller than Rufus when most are about as tall as her. In fact most of his Pokémon were bigger than normal, and having power stronger than your average Pokémon, not wanting to admit that he was actually a decent trainer. It was easy to deduce that this charizard was a special attacker by the choice specs around her neck, combining that with the ninetales on his team, it made perfect sense.

"Relax, I got it covered. I know when all else fails, you'll clean things up. I was going to send you...what? I can't send in Lareien! I only got her a few months ago as a gift remember? She's not battle ready..." replied Eura while putting his Najapala back in her ball and standing up to look at his rather angry charizard. The two having a conversation like that was not common in the least, Rufus crossing his arms and now scoping out the opponent's ace in the hole, "That a trainer, I can't deny how first class she is. Elly wouldn't be able to take a hit from her in the least, especially with the sun out. I need to take it out faster than a berry in a munchlax's hands. Though...what type of Pokémon is this "Lareien"...", he wondered, Garamonde seeing this enemy was praise worthy in terms of power.

Rizan grabbed the final poke ball from Eurasia's waist, making him jump a bit and handing it to him while growling and hissing, with a smoky snort, "I told's not a good idea. I trained her personally but...Rufus is pretty tough. He walks the walk ya know? Oh fine..." he said with a sigh, finally caving in and making sure his opponent was ready. Since he had the lead, he patted Garamonde on the shoulder, letting him know to stay in and scope out the next Pokémon. Elgiza poked Rufus in the waist to get his attention, wanting to let him know something, "R-rufus...I think Eurasia...can talk to Pokémon. There's no way he could perfectly understand his charizard otherwise. I noticed it earlier too..." she said while glancing over to the red haired human.

Rufus merely shook his head, not believing such talk, "I think you're over thinking it. There are trainers with a superb connection to their Pokémon that they can decipher what they're saying. There's no one like that.", he replied, his weavile looking away and rubbing her shoulder, going back to focusing on the match and seeing what Pokémon was coming out next. The poke ball flying opened up and brought out a new Pokémon, one that she hadn't seen before. Elgiza's mouth dropped seeing such a large pink fat looking Pokémon, completely jumping up for joy for being picked to battle, "W-what is that?..I've never seen something like that before..." she asked her master, seeing that he was once against caught off guard.

Eurasia had gotten a gift from a family member in Kalos a few months ago, since he was known as a trainer with a love for dragon Pokémon. As he was one to never turn down gifts from how he was raised, he trained it personally and got his Pokémon to be one of the special defenders of his team, the Goodra he called Lareien. She hopped on in with a big smile on her face, her green eyes full of happiness and glee as she waved to the opponents before turning around and seeing her master right behind her. Quickly she ran right at him and tackled him down, Eurasia getting smothered by sticky Goodra hugs and chuckling as she was a very affectionate gal, "Okay okay yea I'm happy to see you too. I know you've been itching to battle...these guys are really tough so do your best Lareien"

The cute interaction between trainer and Pokémon was a lovely thing to look at, Rufus nearly forgetting how much of a jerk and loudmouth that trainer was for a moment,"...Oh that's a Goodra! I recall seeing a photo of it. It's not native to Unova in the least. That kind of Pokémon must have passed some serious checks to be allowed here...having foreign Pokémon requires quite a bit of work." he pondered, knowing that not just anyone can do that. They would need a recommendation from a big wig like a Pokémon professor, the chairman of the Pokémon league, or even the champion of both regions. Elgiza wondered what it was, taking a moment to pickpocket Rufus' pokedex from his back pocket and look up this mystery fat pink Pokémon.

"Hey that's cute and all, but you have a battle to lose Eura. You can console her after the battle." shouted Rufus, the Goodra suddenly turning and giving a cute pout as he insulted her awesome master. Quickly she got up and jumped back to the ring, wiping her chest off and showing that she was wearing a held item. It was bright and red, covering her entire stomach area and looking like it went around her like armor. Rufus hadn't noticed it before since it was covered in Lareien's natural goop, another item that he hadn't seen before. Garamonde was unsure what to make of this, since on one arm sword, she seemed like a cute innocent girl, having such a pure face in those green eyes. Though on the other, she seemed to be a dragon type, and those were usually on the more powerful end of the Pokémon world.

With stubby feet like hers, and that rather large stomach she had, he doubted that she would move fast enough for anything. He felt himself a bit worn out after taking that hit, surprised that technology can show his current state as it showed he had a little under half of his power left, "Lareien, burn'em while there's still daylight!", shouted Eurasia, the effects of Drought still in effect but not for too long. The Goodra happily was ready to do this, opening her mouth and charging the fire. Garamonde wasted no time and quickly ran on in, planning on getting in up close and personal with her, "Don't give em that chance Garamonde! Close combat that soft mushy frame!" ordered Rufus, planning to at least take out one more with Garamonde.

Elgiza looked up what this Pokémon was, seeing that it was a pure dragon type, a rarity. Though it was primarily specialized in elemental beams and taking hits from those types as well. It was rather weak however in terms of physically taking a hit, which is what she was good at. Most likely she would go in next, though that is on the off chance Eurasia won't switch in that charizard. She turned back to watch the fight, Garamonde about to make contact before unfortunately being on the other end of a fire blast. Although it isn't as powerful as the one the ninetales did, combined with the power of the sun, it was enough to blow back the valiant Gallade and knock him flat on his back.

That Goodra was fast for her size, but not faster than his Garamonde, seeing at the last second, his Pokémon covered his face to protect that scarf around his neck. Garamonde saw the tips of his scarf starting to get lit up by the heat, attempting to protect his rather important trophy from harm. Rizan snorted and saw the shiny Gallade protect a mere material possession, finding it to be foolish as it cost him the match. That close combat could've done some serious damage, and it would've left things even more in that well-dressed Human's favor. Lareien saw she got the hit and jumped up and down as Eura did, giving her a thumbs up for that superb hit, "Nice work Lareien. We tied it up once more." he complimented, only to get glomped once more and getting slightly coated in her natural moisture retaining goop.

"Hmm...You did your best. That scarf means a whole lot to both of us...I'm glad you didn't get it damaged. Don't worry about it.", consoled Garamonde's master, remembering the day they won it in Veilstone. Rufus helped him up and gave him a pat on the shoulder, getting a smile from his Pokémon before bringing back into his ball to rest. With two Pokémon left, what would happen next would clinch everything. Elgiza carefully snuck the pokedex back into her master's pocket, standing up beside him and cracking her fingers one by one, "Rufus...I could take that blob down no problem. Though that charizard...what are your orders." she asked with quite a bit of anxiousness in her tone. This was a crucial moment, one that actually made Rufus a bit nervous.

This trainer has done obvious things, but also many others that defy all logic. Though he had confidence about what Eurasia was consistent with the whole time, knowing more than likely he would keep in that Goodra. He glanced over to see that his opponent was up and wiping himself off, "Elgiza. You're in. He's good, but also consistent with his switch ins, or lack of ones. I trust you know how to rough up a dragon type." queried Rufus, the weavile gathering ice around her fingers, then breaking it once she clenched them into fists. Dragon types remind her of the fight against Cynthia, which was pretty one sided for that "poor" garchomp she had. Eura patted his soft gooey Pokémon on the cheek and decided to keep her in, having forgotten about the possibility of the weavile heading on in, "You're a tank so I think you can stay in. You can take a fairy type attack or ice type attack with no effort. I'm rooting for you Lareien."

Having such confidence in her made her blush and bounce up and down in glee, walking forward onto the field. Elgiza sprinted to the field at the same time, Eurasia quickly remembering that the weavile was on their team. Goodra wasn't familiar with many Pokémon, having no idea that this Pokémon is her bane. Rizan slapped her master on the back with her fiery tail, saying that she couldn't believe that he let her go out there like that, "Crap...I can't recall her either...only way I can is if I forfeit the match..", he said with a massive amount of disappointment, not wanting his Pokémon to go through such pain, but not wanting to lose either. Rizan crossed her short arms and would not let him do such a thing, knowing that if Lareien fell, she would finish off the rest.

" blast! She's an ice type so she'll melt!--?!", before Lareien could even turn around, she got to turn and understand the order, Elgiza wasted no time since the battle had started already. With the wicked look on her face, a wide grin with teeth shining, she punched the Goodra right in the stomach, feeling it nearly slip on in if it wasn't for the ice that formed around it making it more solid. The look on the goodra's face turned to pure pain and shock, tearing up a bit as she slid back a bit, getting knock onto her little knees and holding herself up with one hand. Somehow she managed to avoid fainting, despite being hit by a super effective physical hit. Rizan's eye ridge raised seeing the speed of that "thing", the thing that looked like a weavile with a growth spurt.

Though those legs carried her far and fast before, Lareien moving like in slow motion to compared to her high velocity, "What's this? You want more?" she asked while licking her lips, seeing that fat dragon stand back up and charge the fire blast. It was cute that she wouldn't give up, those green eyes that Lareien had focused on her opponent, before she vanished from her sight once more. Only thing she saw was a large white fist coming right at her, between the eyes, interrupting her attack once against and knocking her right over. The blow caused the Pokémon to back flip and bounce on her back, and land right on her stomach on Eura, wanting to move to stop the match but having been kept restrained by the battle hungry charizard. Even Rufus was a bit uncomfortable with how hard she went on that Goodra, though winning was the primary goal of this battle.

"Why! You really want to fight that badly?!" complained Eura, slipping out and checking to see the injuries on his Goodra. The weavile cracked her neck and gave an evil grin at the nearly beaten team, the charizard glaring at the dark ice type Pokémon and growling at her, "You think you're tough shit beating the greenhorn on our team? I'm going to rip you Pokémon center will be able to save you." said Rizan in her native tongue, the weavile raising a fist at her before walking back to her master. Rufus did not approve of going so hard like that, but he was happy that she was in top physical form today. The threat by that charizard however was rather real, knowing that she had a massive disadvantage in typing.

"Overkill don't you think? That Goodra seemed to be the least threatening on that team. Well I'm going to let Magenta weaken that fiery menace. But...Honestly I don't think she will be able to beat her. Hopefully she'll do enough so you can scrape a win." explained Rufus, very rarely hearing from her master that the chances of winning were nil. Eurasia patted his trusty gooey dragon and returned her to her ball, a bit annoyed at her charizard, though he couldn't deny the important she had on his team. Though that attitude and ego was a problem at times, sighing and looking up at his Pokémon, "Here's your chance. The sun is still out for maybe one more attack. I know that nothing can withstand your heat." discussed Eura, seeing that his Pokémon did not care much for what the plan was, as it was obvious for her.

The large charizard stomped onto the field, stretching her wings and giving a loud thunderous roar, enough to shake the subway car slightly. She was fast, though his Magenta was pretty fast too, with an attack that would most likely land a one hit KO given that x4 weakness to rock was pretty tough. Rufus tossed out his second to final Pokémon, Eurasia stared with his arms wrapped around each other to see a Mismagius. Ghost types weren't one he liked much either, finding them too creepy as it floated around with an evil smirk on its face. This trainer was reminding Eura too much of Ruru, having a team that is all over the place, though it was the only thing he could do considering Weavile would melt almost instantly, "Hmm...Ghost types are pretty fast. Watch yourself Rizan. It could know something to take you down." warned Eura, getting a soft growl in return.

Seems the charizard was well confident about it, something that Rufus was a bit worried about, "Magenta, that charizard is very strong...but I'm sure you're fast enough to dodge it. Use power gem. That'll be more than enough to finish it off.", he ordered, getting a chuckle out of his Mismagius and seeing her float around him, though getting a worried look from her weavile friend. Elgiza was a little worried, only because of the type disadvantage. It didn't help that the train car was very enclosed, leaving little room to maneuver, "Careful out there. That...lizard isn't going to be friendly." she warned as she felt a bit chilled from the vibes Rizan gave her. Magenta saw the mean evil looking glare the charizard gave her, keeping in mind her friend's warnings and floating over to the field. The sun was still bright and strong, though it didn't matter much since this would end immediately.

Both trainers were on edge on how this would go, Rizan stomping her foot once more while Magenta held her sleeves close together and began to gather energy for her power gem. A special rock move, guaranteed to KO any charizard no matter what due to the double elemental damage it would cause. With a low hum she began to hold her arms close together, gathering energy for the first attack, "Show that overgrown dragon wannabe your power gem!" shouted Rufus, confident that it would hit. The Charizard gave a loud roar and opened her wings, flying head first towards Magenta. It's speed was even more than expected, Eurasia not even giving an order considering that his Pokémon was enraged. She tackled down the ghost a moment before the power gem could be fired, dissipating it while the Mismagius was pinned down. Rizan opened her maw and blew out the burning hot fire, Rufus' eyes opening wide upon hearing the sound of horrible screaming coming for his ghost Pokémon.

The burning fire was so hot that he could feel it despite being a good 10 feet away, the HP bar on the screen going to 1, before flashing red. It was a sign of a serious problem in the fight, and the failsafe would soon activate, "Magenta!" Rufus shouted in fear, the screams of agony coming from his Pokémon rocking the entire subway car and making both trainers cover their ears. The deafening cries of pain did little to halt the heat wave going all over her face, Elgiza wincing a bit but seeing that the charizard was not planning on stopping her attack. Magenta gave one more cry of pain, enough that it rocked the cars like a shockwave before realizing it was useless. Death was not something a ghost Pokémon thought about, but the least had to do at least something, "Rizan that's enough! STOP!" ordered Eurasia, having one ear covered while the other one was ringing from the intense sound.

His orders fell on deaf ears, stopping only for a moment see the burnt face of her opponent with an evil grin. That purple face was almost black, though she was still able to see enough as she began to say something. Black waves of energy came out of her mouth and over the face of the charizard, making Rizan wince in pain. She gave an angry roar and began to gather the heat in her mouth once more, "RIZAN! STOP IT! SHE'S HAD ENOUGH!" yelled the crimson haired trainer once more, planning on forfeiting the match since killing an opponent's Pokémon was very frowned upon and something he had no intention of repeating once again, under any circumstance. Rufus grabbed his poke ball and attempted to recall before Elgiza took the initiative.

Having seen enough of how sick and twisted this Pokémon was, she dashed on in at top speed with both legs forward. The impact was strong enough to send Rizan back to her side of the field, Michael breathing a sigh of relief while Rufus wasted no time recalling his Pokémon. Elgiza was furious, considering that she had no intention of killing that Goodra, merely sending a message that she was not to be trifled with. But that Charizard took things way too far, and the fact that she didn't listen to her master showed how dangerous she was, "She really was gonna BBQ her...rules mean nothing to her huh?" she questioned as she walked back to Rufus, who had a worried look of expression on his face. The floor under Magenta had melted and ended up being warped somewhat from the heat, something that shouldn't happen normally considering this was a specially made subway car to withstand Pokémon attacks and stress.

Michael was furious and grabbed his Charizard by the tail, pulling her back to his side despite her resistance, "What the hell Rizan! What were you thinking!?" yelled the trainer, before getting launched back against the door. She was furious and she wouldn't let her trainer stop her battle no matter what. The 6'8 tall Charizard loomed over the 5'4" human, punching the door and lowering her head to look at him eye to eye, "I don't care what you say. We're not losing anymore, nor taking anyone's lip...Master. You're the one who abhors losing...or did you forget what that cat did to Lareien?" she asked with a low growl, Michael knowing that it was a bit harsh, but there was one important difference to what that weavile did.

"Yea I hate losing, but we don't kill. You know what happened that day...hell you were there! That weavile had no intention of killing Lareien...the same can't be said about you." growled Rizan's master, getting a snarl back and running her claws down the metal frame of the door. He was unphased by her threat, having dealt with her fiery attitude in the past when things got tough, "If you disobey me again, not only will I forfeit the match, you're losing your status as my lead Pokémon. I will not accept disobedience on my team, especially the type that endangers others." Michael threatened, staring her down before she merely stepped back and puffed smoke from her nostrils. As much as she hated to lose, her status meant a lot to her as the lead Pokémon held the responsibility of being the most powerful as well.

Rufus was surprised at how much remorse his opponent felt, knowing that he did not order his Pokémon to critically injure his Mismagius,"...I'll need to have Magenta carefully looked at. I don't think she's ever experienced such pain before." he said with a worry in his voice, staring at the charred floor for a moment, then back at his weavile, "That fire melted the floor Elly, floor made to withstand the punishment Pokémon give out. That's definitely not normal." remarked Rufus, looking at the hot headed trainer scold his Pokémon. Whatever reason, Elgiza was angry, but at the same time, worried about the type disadvantage she was in. In a physical fight, she could most likely win, but it was overall an uphill battle. So uphill that it brought shivers to her fur despite putting on a strong face. Such a situation reminded her of that fateful battle years ago, the battle that changed everything. Rufus felt a nervous sweat go down his head at the pinch he was in, the two of them staring down the field and seeing their final battle up ahead.