Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 8: Rain

The cave was small but not too small, and embryo turned around to watch the storm from the opening, rain falling upon the mountains across from them, small streaks of lightning flashing through the air over them.

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Stormy sky

Was it something i said something i did i think of you lifting a bottle removing the lid watching the storm and having a drink wishing you were here i stop and think if you were here at my side my heart would swell with so much pride but i am alone

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Trade with Puff: Her Romance Part 1

"are you watching the storm too?" "yes. i was walking home and saw the storm clouds in the distance and decided to come sit and watch but you were already here.

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._ **ellen watched the storm at it raged outside. large storms were common at this time of year and would often come without warning. it was the same type of storm that had claimed her husband's life. he was returning from a voyage when it blew in.

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A Day in the Life Of (Chapter 2)

"sure, i know a great place to watch the storms roll in. want to come see?" storms and lightning, could she have said something less interesting to someone like this rainwing... "absolutely! i'd love to!"

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The Serpent Curse - Chapter 1

Joey heads over to the entrance to watch the storm quietly. wallaby mum: joey, what are you doing? olivia: he's just jealous that he doesn't have a pouch like us girls. lisa: or the brains. lisa and olivia giggle.

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The Missing Links

However, the female of the two seemed restless, the amber furred she-wolf sitting near the mouth of the little makeshift den and watching the storm with great anticipation.

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To Be Forgotten

He kept looking outside watching the storm clouds blow away.

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chapter 6-Mavericks guilt

"hey, why don't you come and join us over by the door and watch the storm with us?" asked ryan genteelly, but all he got was a slow blink in return. "come on, we'd love to have you with us."

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Lonely Oak Chapter 87

He lowered his arms, and turned behind him, to watch the storm recede just as abruptly as it had come. he had passed. before him was the last part of his journey. the cobblestone path led from the sand and beach toward a verdant forest.

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Family Reunion - First Kiss

She brushed long dark brown strands back from cassidy's face and watched the storm calm in her eyes. "i don't know momma, i mean part of me kinda did, but it's lukas! he's never been like that!"

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