Friendly's New Friend - Chapter One
As friendly made his way towards the raccoon who was stuck in the mud, the sound of laughing, giggling and jeering reached his ears. "haha! training-wheels is stuck in the mud again!" friendly looked at the raccoon cub.
Friendly's New Friend - Chapter Two
Friendly's New Friend - Chapter Two That evening after supper, Friendly sat outside on the porch and waited for his new friend to come. He paced to the end of the driveway and looked both ways, but he couldn't see anybody coming. He went back to...
Friendly's New Friend - Chapter Four
Friendly and Timothy continued watching the trains as they went all around the attic. Timothy walked around and followed one of the slow moving freight trains. He grinned and let out a little giggle as the red, silver and white Pendolino overtook it...
Arturo and Biro go to Camp - Chapter Three
"how many times has timothy got stuck in the mud?" biro asked jake "i've lost count" answered jake timothy murred happily as arturo and friendly helped him, but art's feet were sliding around in the mud. soon they were full of mud.
Arturo and Biro go to Camp - Chapter One
"hey, look, our friend is stuck in the mud" said biro art started to laugh inside his head. he had known all along that timothy's training wheels would probably cause his bike to get stuck in something.
Around in a circle, slow like a turtle, stuck in the mud, drowned in a flood. i feel the fool, an absolute tool, thinking something more, but so immature.
Nobody's Good at Everything
"go on timothy, you don't want lightning mcqueen stuck in the mud..." said friendly with a chuckle. "i'll be waiting right here."
Sleepover at Jake's
"do you... ever um... get stuck in the mud?" "i have a few times, it was fun, i was pedalling so hard and going nowhere, and i got all muddy!" laughed jake. "i always get stuck in the mud, or a puddle, or pothole, or something." sighed the raccoon.
Big Trouble for Jake
"no, the mud's caught you, but it's caught me too timothy" sighed jake, "a police officer is not supposed to get stuck in the mud pursuing a criminal!"
Arturo and Biro go to Camp - Chapter Six
"we'll both have to help him if he gets stuck in the mud again. poor timothy.
Arturo and Biro go to Camp - Chapter Four
"but this time you won't be stuck in the mud, you'll see" "uh-oh... don't tell me we're going in the mud" cried timothy. "oh hehe, what are you saying, fox? a german shepherd and a skunk against a raccoon and a little fox?"
Lonely Oak Chapter 31
His feet shuffled across the carpet, his socks making him skid and slip just as soon as he would have gained any traction, just like a car stuck in the mud.