Chapter Two

"i'm with the rescue rangers!" "the rescue rangers," a male voice parroted. "you're with the rescue rangers!? honey, the rescue rangers are here!" "yep," dale smiled. "me and my pals are gonna get you out of here."

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Chapter four

The guy who was with me, with us our entire time as rescue rangers. that helpful idiot who i loved like a brother... all that's gone, now. and it's my fault." "oh, not that mess, again," monterrey groaned, before taking chip by his shoulders.

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Chapter three

When i told them i was with the rescue rangers, i met abe's parents. then i called zipper to get monterrey and waited for a few. th-that's pretty much it." "anything else," dale, gadget asked, gently. dale paused, for a bit before answering.

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Chapter one

While the park was lively with people and fauna alike, our story takes place high in a tall oak tree in the middle of the park, for it was the home to the rescue rangers.

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Ms. Dale Chapter Thirteen

It was the barrage of light that seeped into the rescue rangers hq, and into zipper's room, rousing him from his sleep. the fly's night had been largely uneventful. he vegged out on the couch, watched tv for a few hours, and went to bed.

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Chapter Six

Dale stood there, her back to the wall, breathing heavily. After all this time, Foxglove decided to drop by? After everything that's happened, she'd totally forgotten about her! What was she going to do- what was she going to say? She started to...

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Chapter Five

"rescue rangers, away!" with that, they all raced towards the ranger wing. they were soon off and flying towards the docks. the trip was quiet, which is probably what everyone needed.

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Chapter 5 - The Prisoner Polka

#1 of rescued rangers the rangers find themselves in an all too familiar situation. so, here's chapter five.

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2022's Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers Fanon of Storage stored by Toon Part Collectors.

Last year after i watched 2022's chip and dale rescue rangers, i made a fanon of isabelle's bell ponytail holder and tail sailor moon's hair and wand pawmi's ears, arms, and tail gatomon's paws dusty crophopper's propeller sylveon's ribbons k.k.

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League of the Rangers: the first steps

Lightyear_ **chapter 1: rescue rangers day** it was early morning in new york city. sunrise illuminated the tops of skyscrapers and huge bridges. the sun's rays lit the rooms of the rescue rangers's hq, a beautiful two-floor house.

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Chapter 2 - Enter the Chihuahua

#3 of rescued rangers i originally started this as a story jam, but no one submitted other chapters. so, here's my own chapter two submission. anyone who wants to can jump in with a chapter of their own.

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