Episode 18: Power Play
." ============================= episode 18 power play idp 2020 ============================= harry trudged sullenly along the corridor with his hands in his pockets.
This was a power play move on his part, he figured that if he revealed some unknown information about himself, that they might start to trust him knowing that they couldn't hide everything from him.
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 32: Gym in Winter
Maybe power play was another kink of his, kevin thought. he never really thought of power play, mainly because he had always been the dominant one, but after the first time he fucked with the panther, it became apparent that he might be into power play.
FotR Behind the Scenes 1
play 2021 p27 lust, love, loss and longing 2021 p28 kill the moon 2021 p29 phantasm 2021 p30 besieged 2021 p31j1 a god's gambit 2022 p32 into darkness 2022 p34 resurgence 2022 p35 the woman who remembered, the boy who forgot 2022 p36 lost in the
The Wolves of Gryning: A Vixen's Tale Pt. II
Even now, the ancient powers play with our fates. they always find a vessel. now it simply won't be vacka, but somebeast else. something else. they're always there, part of our world." luna didn't answer that.
Interrupted Summer
I'm relaxing on the beach watching tyler, my brother and also a power, play in the water with a tube. it looked fun, but i was tired from yesterday's mission. tyler and i were taking out a hive of creatures in a town nearby.
Journey to Another World pt2 ch51
Not another power play.' i picked up kit's brush and started on her fur. ‘at least kit has the decency to not participate.' i thought as i worked on her back, effectively missing her stick her tongue out at the other girls. ‘but she is right.
Journey to another world ch41
Another power play by jenavee.' i was about to tell her off when the nurse returned with a smile. "i have to say that your lucario was in a pretty bad shape." "so what does that mean?" i asked her in a concerned tone.
Identity: Chapter Sixteen
It wasn't often a rookie cop got to observe a power-play between two senior officers.
The Egg Assignment, part 2
There were perpetual rumours that either of the two clans was on the verge of launching some backstabbing political power play that would conclude with a hostile takeover of the other clan, but nothing had happened yet.
Framed part 4
"but you said you were here on business so i'm assuming you want to know if there's anyone making a power play against reaver, right?" "got it in one. it's almost like you do this for a living." she threw another pillow at me.
Sheep in Wolves Clothing
The power plays and polite facades, running the world from the background. he had avoided it and eventually had run away from it the first chance he got. he just shook his head, it was all so crazy. he finally arrived at his room.