Trans Troubles - In a Bind

Maybe that was why he was the first one they told about being non-binary. sean had been twelve at the time and, while he'd heard the word transgender thanks to the internet, non-binary had been totally alien to him.

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Warm Hearts, Warm Hugs (Short)

#13 of warm hearts a short story made for international non-binary people's day, dedicated to my partner and love.

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Sun above gender

I am non-binary, just as my star.

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004 - The World pt.03

Butters is a monster, a non-binary one to be precise, their pronouns are they/them and they are a humanoid with features of a western gray squirrel.

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Feline people roleplay.

It can be any gender (even non binary or genderfluid). you will be able to choose from 20 default characters (which i'm posting), some will be anime face maker, if i can't do anime face maker on those, i'll draw them.

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Jenna the ally

She entertained the idea of dating non-binary folk, but if that was the case it'd have to happen naturally. she would never use another person just as an experiment.

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Tales of Zootopia: Wynn

When they were only five years old, they found out that they were non-binary, agender specifically, their parents tried to force them to look, act and talk like a stereotypical boy.

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Sidi panted, the black cat making their way towards their friend's couch. "Oh no you don't." The cheetah closing the door said. Her fur was shorter, so the sweat made it...

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018 - Prime pt.01

Butters is a monster, a non-binary monster, a big they/them, a humanoid with features of a western gray squirrel.


[THE WORLD] of Monsters - Chapter 01

Placing a patch of the agender flag where the non-binary one laid on their old jacket, as well as placing a big heart with the pansexual colours on the front of the other side.

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Focusing On Food

Cookie scratches their belly with a back leg, yawning as their stomach growls. They lick their lips in thought of the leftovers in the fridge. Paw-step after paw-step brings them to the metal goliath, anticipation creeping into their mind. Lifting...

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Floraverse Fic: Silent Rabbat

In a small home out in Bluegrass, a peach furred Singing Rabbat sat at a wooden table, their light blue eyes half-lidded and their elbow upon the tabletop, chin resting in paw. Out of their six ears, most were drooping, occasionally their head nodding...

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