Daniel sat at the table, sipping casually at his wine. The badger had been waiting for he'd no idea how long. He wasn't even sure why he was at this particular restaurant. He had been there a few times before, with friends, and didn't particularly care...
Deep waters (commission for Zaffre)
First times always carried a certain fascination with them. Hypnosis, of course, wasn't any different. Throughout the years, Zaffre had learned that there was something unique about letting someone mess with his mind for the first time, no...
Hypnovember Day 30 - Aftercare
### 30 - Aftercare (SfDragonThrow) The black furred bat was gliding on his back through a sea of minty green. His red eyes were lazily staring up at nothing in particular, with an easy smile resting on his face. His mind was completely quiet, as...
Bats of a feather (commission for Nyeogmi)
"Will you please stand still? You're making this too difficult and I'm not that patient." Tynan grunted, making an effort to keep his muzzle slightly open as he stood in the middle of the hallway, wings spread at his back as if he was about to take...
Spotlights and spiral eyes
"Wake up." It took the rabbit a few seconds to open his eyes as he tried to adjust himself to the blinding lights all around him. His head felt all fuzzy and heavy, as if he had just woken up from an incomplete sleep cycle. There was something strange...
Completely normal expectations
Cloud had hoped that the venue would be full and that they'd have to find another place to spend the evening in, but to his dismay most of the tables were still empty. He remained near the door, arms crossed on his chest and giving a worried...
Meeting (And Zonking) Your Idols
Meeting (and Zonking) Your Idols Patron Reward for BluKodi There are few things more disorientating than being at a convention without a group and without a plan. You're surrounded by throngs of strangers - like minded ones, for sure, but still...
As he rolls and spins in the water his vision fades into darkness as a memory plays in his head.
The Teacher
The memory playing in legos head would have continued if not for a secondary slap coming from the now 14-year-old still very angry kitty. "you fucker! look what you did to me! you had to go messing with time travel and now look!
Short Story: Kiss the Rain
I smiled as the memory played in my head and got up now sitting on the bed. it had been such a long time ago, i was now twenty four finished with my schooling finishing with a bachelors of fine art.
Dry Eyes, Cold Hearts (Ch. 6)
The absolute blurred, shifting and acquiring color, until he looked through kage's eyes, watching the memories play out before him.
One Good Turn (ConFuzzled 2010)
Were her memories playing tricks on her? "i'm sorry about dad," he said, quite suddenly. steph made a quiet little yelp, and then sat down on the bed. the cat wandered over, an eye half closed, looking concerned.