Chosen: Chapter Ten

**Chosen** **Chapter Ten** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Chirmaya Nashaar_ _ _ ** ** Tayna rolled in a deep slumber, tossed on a tide that controlled her waking and retained her sleeping. It clung to her, a deep...

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A werewolf guide: Magic

**magic classifications** here we will be talking about the types of magic used. each type has a list of conditions to organize them.

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The Dread Grimoire: Chapter One

Magic also dilutes over distance, so the amount of magic used per spell depends on the distance between two objects, the user and the target.

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Dark Moonlight - 1 {WIP}

Apparently they regulate the magic use and make sure that any mages aren't causing any problems. and if you're wondering, no i'm not registered with the society. i only use magic if i have to, or just to practice.

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Quoth the raven

"while you were regenerating in the egg it probably caused some mutation because the magic used wasn't designed for your species, and as for your oddly selective amnesia your mind was gone when we put you in the egg."

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This skill is resisted by a spirit roll, just like destruction magic. using the _bluff_ skill means that you are intentionally avoiding an issue, distracting the conversation from where the other party wants it to go, or telling lies and half-truths.


Part 3: The Gladiator Arena.

Number one; there will be no magic used while in combat. magic used to enhance your physical prowess is fine, as long as it is done before the battles. the only time magic is allowed is when fighting in a power struggle.

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The Beastmaker's Age - YEAR 3

According to some versions of the tale, however, the kirin magic used in the replica's creation furthermore inspired it with a kind of illusory life, causing it to shift continuously before the viewer's eyes - as if the subject was breathing, and the wind

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Paldrus' Journal

Perhaps the magic used by our lord touched us, as well. people have spoken of finding infant animals where their children were, looking for the child only to return to them sitting in place of the creature.

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Different Chapter 3

When the first bit of water came out i could feel the magic used to move the water through the house. i had always hated magic. i cleaned myself off, using only water seeing how the shampoo serra had was for scales.

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Enchanting Desires Ch. 3

Of the rules and laws that govern magic use, and various chants and triggers. he taught her about the elements, and how each one felt when called upon. by the time the sun was high in the sky, lutira's head was bursting with all the new information.


castle cleaner crusaders

In the mean time shire using his magic used some time travel to look at what celetia was reading, and the notes the bathroom was an easy fix thankfully. he then mopped the floor the right way and under the bed.

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