By Izzy Koji
Though he was surrounded by the sounds of a rather busy city, Izzy's ears only exemplified certain noises around him, as if his senses were tuning out the things that were less important for survival. He could hear the...
Cat, Predator/Prey, Squirrel, Vore (soft)
Soft vore, non-consensual, dog/squirrel, f/m
another new story?! there must be some squirrel teeth marks on a half-full coffee can right now! xd
i got this idea while on a kick of really liking dog preds.
Dog, F/M, Squirrel, Vore (soft)
* * *
pocket city - _ **black tie formal** _
tags: anthro, pokemon, macro, micro, hypnosis, pawplay, soft vore, hard vore, mass vore, young prey, digestion, willing
genders: f/m, f/f
species: arcanine, luxio, luxray, purugly
synopsis: abigail is
Compilation, Macro, Micro, vore
**warning: this contains m/m m/f m/m/f obscene amounts of vore some smut and some under age characters.**
Anime, Fanfiction, Semi- Clean, Story Series, Underage
One reminder though be sure to give their name according to there gender (m/f, m/m or f/f) now get your clones to now you. instill the rules of your home, sternly yet with love,give them a tour of your domain and finally theirs.
Instructional, Super Hero, contract
**let the king sleep**
i don't own zazu, mufasa or sarabi
contains f/m vore involving a lioness and horn bill, and small mention of digestion
set in the first movie before mufasa dies :c
enjoy ^.^
**let him sleep zazu**
sarabi purred
Death, Digestion, Lion King, Lioness, Vore (soft)
Contains: wolf, rat, violence, non-vore, abuse, anthro, emotional, furry, knives, lynx, m/f,
m/m, physical torture, sadistic, pain, gore, action
playing god
part 7: no matter the cost
grey. concrete grey. pain.
Abuse, Action, Anthro, Emotional, Gore, Lynx, M/F, M/M, Non-Vore, Pain, Rat, Sadistic, Violence, Wolf, furry, knives
Sorry if that's not your thing, but i do plan to write some m/f, m/m/f, f/f (maybe), and maybe even get into herms and stuff later on. please voice your opinion it counts.
Dire Wolf, Fantasy, Fox, M/M
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Contains: anthro archeology avian cruelty digestion dragon emotional falcon furry history love m/f m/m mouse multiple prey myths physical torture prey relationships reptile rodent soft vore swallowing swamps tail vore terror torture mystery actura
Anthro, Avian, Digestion, Dragon, Emotional, Falcon, History, Love, M/F, M/M, Mouse, Multiple prey, Myths, Physical, Prey, Relationships, Rodent, Soft, Swallowing, Tail Vore, Torture, archeology, cruelty, furry, swamps, terror, vore
Contains: anthro emotional abuse furry insane knives lynx m/f m/m murderer non-vore physical torture psychopath horse sadistic twist wolf child abuse dark non-sexual
playing god
a prologue of sorts: born in sin
_(excerpted from the case notes of dr fabian
Abuse, Anthro, Dark, Emotional, Horse, Lynx, M/F, M/M, Murderer, Non-Vore, Physical, Sadistic, Torture, Wolf, child, furry, insane, knives, non-sexual, psychopath, twist