
You can't even make an original deal with the devil, you pathetic hack!" it took every bit of strength i had to raise a hand and hold it out. he was all too quick to oblige, a pen and clipboard appearing from behind his back.

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Breaking Free

Sand danced in sunlight. The evening was silent as a tomb. The chain of a swinging bench creaked, breaking it for a time. She sat on her doorstep. Silence washed over her. Chores were done, and she was free to languish in her open prison, surrounded...

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Stay the Horse

I have enclosed "par for the horse", a short story about a pro-golfer who makes a deal with the devil to improve his game, and ends up becoming a horse, while struggling to still stay on the pro-circuit.

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Tail Pipe-CH1 incomplete

I made a deal with the devil if you will." "a deal with the devil?" he smirked and gave her shoulder a squeeze"can't be all that bad" giving a wince she looked up to him." i told him that i would set up races.

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“The Tale of Willy-The-Wisp” As told to me by my Great Grandfather.

Peter told him because he cursed god and made a deal with the devil, he was never to enter the kingdom of heaven!

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Death's Master. Chapter One. (Terror's of War.)

I know for damn sure i didn't strike a deal with the devil!" said the unknown man, scrambling backwards away from him. "neither did i, my salvation was i defeated the grim reaper." felo explained, fingering the well fought for weapon at his side.

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#2 of dealing with the devil ~blahdeblah violence, rape, slavery so forth, your warned~ the trip home for the five unlucky females was quite unpleasant.

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A Story About Spike, The Possessed Emu Who Lives On The Muddy Banks Of The Wishkah

And now you're not gonna have any friends 'cause you made a deal with the devil." spike's hand moved by itself and positioned itself over the paper to sign the deal. right then, the spirit that possessed spike overtook him.

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Chapter 3 ©

"you have made a deal with the devil." alucard smirks, as he flicks his hair and looks around him. a flash of movement, alucard gets hit and flies across the clearing.

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While he has no respect for the "angel season 5" kind of deal with the devil that people can be forced to make, he also thinks of his hybrids as an example that in some way, _every_ problematic diplomatic situation starts out seeming like two creatures

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Only to make a deal with the devil. major edit shadows finding one's true self part 37 by xan steel a door opens to a dark and nearly empty room as we see a small shadow like figure enter the room.

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Baxley's deal with Satan

"you made a deal with the devil didn't you, fox", asked the cheetah who was sitting on the couch drinking some soda. baxley nodded. "yeah, but i didn't think..." the cheetah laughed.

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