Breaking Free

Sand danced in sunlight. The evening was silent as a tomb. The chain of a swinging bench creaked, breaking it for a time. She sat on her doorstep. Silence washed over her. Chores were done, and she was free to languish in her open prison, surrounded...

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Breaking Free

"That'll be three gold and five silver." The cloaked figure nodded and reached out a gloved hand to drop the coins on the counter. The elf behind the counter counted them up, then dropped them into the store's chest with a loud clink. "Here's your...

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Breaking Free

"So where you headin', Mr Majd, sir?" The Cabwolf leaned back in his chair, adjusting his paws on the steering wheel and shooting a glance back at the small Fennec fox who sat on the back seat of the taxi, his arm around his briefcase. "Home." He gave...

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Jake's Escape

"so he's the most dangerous cause he could break free?" the wolf nods. "just pay close attention and if he ever seems to be missing from his room, call for help. we'll get some freezing agent that will hold him while his room is repaired."

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War Within Part 1

He tail was bound to his right leg, he tried to break free but the chain were to strong for him to break free of them. the sound of the chain woke up the guard, that was suppose to be watching him.

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Amaterasu Drained

Soon she would have enough strength for a power slash and break free. still, face to face with a demon was not pleasant. beneath its paper mask she could see its fanged mouth and snake-like tongue.

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Avataress Trilogy: Origins and Secrets - #5 Darkness in Light

From the outside, avataress can not move or break free without both entities working together and fortitunus tries to get june to break free.

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The Immune [Pokerus Outbreak]

Taiwan, with one last struggle tries to break free. as the doctor slowly approaches; his nerves grow. the doctor taunts taiwan, and near the last minute, taiwan breaks free.

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Heart of the Lion

Have you ever longed to break free of whatever chains are holding you back? better. stronger. kinder. more independent. more compassionate. more outgoing. more restrained.

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The Look of Death

"there is a way to break free of the spell, young one." the voice spoke again. "how!" rex shouted, struggling against his binds, straining his head in every which way to search for the voice. "i struggle all i want, but i cannot break free!"

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Recursive Cycles

But you can break free. i did. you can break free. you. but you have to act. you have to ignore that pessimistic self-destructive voice and do something. you are in control of you. nobody else can change your life for you.

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The Universal Tournament Part 2

"chedra, can we use the hyperdrive to break free?" bullzeye asked as chedra thought for a moment. "yes. yes! if we can use a controlled burst, we might be able to break free.

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