Black Dogs review
#5 of reviews a review of ursula vernon's black dogs duology, available from sofawolf press.
Attention Seeking
**Attention Seeking** _"Start freaking thinking. And stop acting like a little, emo attention seeker, stop cutting yourself, grow up, and take punches from life more easily. Because there will be a lot more. And they won't be coming from...
Rainfall: A World of Water
The black dog and cougar jumped their heads to me, still holding the cubs by their arms like shields. i instantly recognized the black dog. "you again?!" he screamed dumbfounded. he was the black dog from the locker room fight, not surprising.
Alpha and Omega: The Outlanders Chapter 2
Like the black dog behind him, he carried a strange thing that slung over his body, with tight, silver vines from top to bottom, only his had six vines that were thinner.
Wolf's Rain: The New Journey
Musha, the large, tan brown wolf, ignored haru's call, and continued to give the black dog the death stare.
JUXTAPOSITION Chapter 6 - Yin Yang
After letting the sheer awesomeness of bolt's offering sinkin, the black dog trotted up to bolt and then snuggling up against the soft fluff of bolt's strong white chest.
The black dog took a deeper sniff of the scent and turned so he could follow it through the meadow. soon the scent was joined be two more similar ones. it seemed that whomever's scent he was following had siblings in the meadow.
The D Virus (Preview WIP)
The d virus day 1: introfection "go go go keep moving" saids a black dog. meet cole a black labrador. a bit of a backround on cole. his father left his mother when he was 3. his mother was killed by a gang memeber when he was 7.
Red Steel
The men who worked for the english lord always stayed far away from the large black dog. they believed in the superstition that the black dog was the omen of death.
U.O.P.I. (Sneak peek) Bluey's nightmare.
"that's it, there's the black dog i missed so much!! make it happen...
Chapter 19: So Speaketh Death
The black dog, meanwhile, was very protective of the girl and warned her away from asres, saying sternly that they didn't yet know if he could be trusted. asres knew what the dog was. he was a slave.
I wither besides the lush flower bed
Where the black dog is a proud white wolf how the gold fish might be even a swift codfish where the mounted horse shall become like the zebra how there can be a form of chaos unlike any other that is simple logic law had the minds that were searching