i have been in the hospital (dont ask y) and i cant use my right hand thus i cant make the comic v.v it rlly hurts me to let u all down...

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the bad news

news aleu said in a low sobing voice '' how did this happen'' boris told her that he lost to much blood and one of his kiddneys stop working aleu tears up then runs of to cool of in her cave. the pack then goes to hunt to get there alpha some food. raven

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Bad News

Disclaimer: If you are under the age of 18 yata yata yata! Thanks for reading!! ~~If you haven't read 'Winter Vacation' I recommend reading that first~~ Thank you for all of the PMs and comments. Thank you to typhon for keeping the story...

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Chapter 2 (Jo)

Hello, or whatever people say here, My mom got me this journal thinking it would be a good idea to express my "feelings" or whatever. Anyways, my name is Jo Stratfield. I'm this close to turning 11 but until then, I'm stuck in a 10-year-old body for...

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14 - Bad News

Now i had some pretty bad news to tell my family.

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Hope and Dreams part 20

And here we are. Vincent waited in the hospitals hallway as Isaac went into see his mom. She had awoken, but the doctors were too dark about it for the rest to be good. Vincent was left in the hall, watched by nurses...

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What if... Chapter 1- Bad News

Arlen was sitting in the dimly lit living-room, the TV and a few small lamps the only source of light in the otherwise dark room. He had enjoyed a great dinner whit Sato, and the few glasses of vine he had along the food made his whole body tingle...

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Skinwalkers: Chapter Thirteen

"guys, i have good news and bad news. the good news is, i got bus tickets for all of us." "what's the bad news?" zave asked. "bad news is no more breakfast," clueless said glumly, looking down at her empty plate.

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Not A Chapter!

bad news... i have bad news... i think that i won't continue the book for a while... sorry! **why?** because i just don't have the motivation to continue writing this story. i will continue it, but in... let's say 2 months?


Nothing But Love (Chapter 6)

It comes with good news. and bad news. but the bad news leads to more good news. the good news is. its here! the bad news is, its super duper short.

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Big Cats and Labradors

"the bad news is that i cannot reverse it until all your excess energy is used up and you still have a lot of energy left. that is the more bad news."

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Reach for the blue sky - The First Meet

Well i have some good news and some bad news." "oh what's the bad news?" "bad news is, i'm shutting down the bar. things are getting to dangerous around here. but the good news is, i have a new job opening if you're interested."

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