The Dolly Project Chapter 1-5

The Dolly Project. Stranger's sick game. An epic story tells how a young girl falls in love with a young guy who sell his soul to keep her happy. 8 years pass before they see each other and shadow is not the same as he was. He saves the president and...

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So you had a bad life. you probably felt an incredible amount pain and agony. maybe you felt hopeless and sad.

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The Guardian Chapter 1: The Forest

It's not a bad life, just one i didn't choose. i'm bound to this world; it's all i know. to protect and to keep peace, a job that shall never end. i walk around and protect the weak. i am order. today was no different.


Cloricia "Tex" Teixeira: Growing up 1

Within a few minutes, me and papa were sitting down on the front porch, having a bear together, making bad life choices, yea yea, i get it, but come on.

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Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A. : Part I Chapter IIX

It was not a bad life though. his favorite parts were when **daius** would let him go outside on walks, or just to run around in the back yard. fred hadn't thought of his family in a long time, not of his sister, not of his mother.

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new life: chapter 2

"he's have a really bad life his parent abused him..." "so the other 100 other orphans" "did the parent cut an x on him and called him an abomination for being gay?"

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Chapter Two: Start of Something New

" he's have a really bad life his parent abused him..." " so the other 100 other orphans " " did the parent cut an x on him and called him an abomination for being gay?"

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Fur Chem Labs Series (Story 1)

He never though in a million years that it would be possible; but a bad life and the image of flare along with strong determination drove him to create fur chem labs and the transformer.

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Bandit Attack

Only the lazy have a bad life here or those who commit crimes. i will give you ten minutes to flee and any remaining will be arrested and charged for murder of a intelligent being."

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Storm Bringer

That was the sound of a life, though a bad life, being extinguished. today there is more food and cleaner water than there has been since i can remember. haowo is growing. the loss of my parents doesn't hurt as much anymore.

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Damned Straight, Skippy (A Waves of Passion story)

"your life in the sea will have it's own dangers and rewards, it's not paradise," duncan said, hovering close, "the only thing i can promise you is it isn't a bad life and i swear no one will ever, ever hurt you like this again."

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Chapter 6-This Is Where It Ends (Final Chapter)

I had a bad life too. my parents tried to kill me three times and they almost did. i had to earn everything that you see here, i had to work hard to get all this." "it not the same, you had parents!"

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