Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A. : Part I Chapter IIX

Story by Van Rorie on SoFurry

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#9 of Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A.

So sorry this took so long to write, got distracted writing the Saga (Which got really good reviews to my surprise, I didn't actually like it that much). I was also helping a fried write some, Seriously if you haven's seen any of Wolfy76 writing its really good. So the text in bold is Duetschlish, and the regular text is Snarel. If you don't know what those are then read the prologue. The next chapter (When I write it) is going to be much darker and probably far longer. So thanks to every one who reads my stuff, hope you all enjoy.

-Van Rorie

I believe in complete and absolute non-ownership of everything, and so I do not claim to own these characters but rather submit them to public domain. If you wish to use them feel free to do so in any way (though I would like to be notified if they are used so I could see that story or artwork). This is a work not by an author but by humanity as is everything man made.

Warning! The following content may be disturbing to some people. The following story will deal with Adult themes. If you find this Disturbing do not read. Warning!

Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A.

Part I Chapter IIX

Klyzab or Fred now, had spent the better part of four Earth years with the man who he would learn to call Daius , though he had no concept of the time. He still felt somewhat sick all the time, simply by the time of the Earth. His native planet had a day equivalent to about thirty Earth hours, so that his circadian cycle was constantly off balanced. Fred learned many things since Daius first adopted him, mostly words, and also the reasoning behind some items. He learned that the things that Daius wore were called cloths and that he wore them because his skin got cold because it wasn't perfectly suited to the atmosphere.

He learned that the planet he was on was called Terra or Earth. Though he didn't know what planets were yet. He learned many words, and he could name them all.

Kitchen, Bedroom, Telephone, Pants, Shirt, Coat, Couch, House, Outside, Floor, Food, Water, Bowl, Door, Inside, and Daius.

Fred enjoyed his time with Daius but there were draw backs, he was very board most of the time, and he constantly felt out of whack schedule wise. It was not a bad life though. His favorite parts were when Daius would let him go outside on walks, or just to run around in the back yard.

Fred hadn't thought of his family in a long time, not of his sister, not of his mother. He had subconsciously blocked them in his memory as a coping mechanism so that he wouldn't be sad, and presently he was very happy. But that would change soon.

-Knock, Knock, Knock.

There sounded from the front door three loud knocks which woke up Fred, who had been sleeping lightly on a pillow in the living room. He cocked his head at the door, waiting to see if the noise would repeat itself.

-Knock, Knock, Knock.

There it was again, Fred got up from the pillow; he had grown some in the time he had spent with Daius. When he first arrived at the house he had been about forty centimeters, and now he was closer to seventy five. He was also heavier weighing almost twenty five kilograms.

Fred heard Daius get up from the bedroom and head to the door. Fred looked out the window and realized that it was very late. He thought it strange that Daius should get visitors at this hour.

Getting up he went into the kitchen to get a drink. He was thirst from the nap and the kitchen was closer to the front door, so he thought that he might be able to see who was at the door. While he was lapping up the water he heard the door open and the sound of footsteps came into the house. He peaked around the corner of the kitchen to look in the hall. He saw Daius and two new people in dark blue uniforms in the hall traveling towards the door.

Fred stood in the corner of the kitchen, waiting for them to enter the kitchen. Daius came in first followed by the two new humans.

"Colonel Daius" the uniformed human on the right said, saluting as he did so.

"At ease, now what is so important that I be woken this time of night?" He replied sternly.

"Orders from H.Q. sir." Said the same one.

The one on the left silently handed Daius a small tablet and shortly a holo image appeared from it.

While reviewing the data he asked the men standing there "What exactly am I looking at."

"Sir, do you know of Petty General Raius?"

"I do."

"The Tyrannis Regent has formally declared that he report to L.A. to be tried on grounds of treason. The Tyrannis Regent thinks however that it is unlikely that Petty General Raius will comply."

"And why does he think that?"

*"Sir, the intelligence suggests that Petty General Raius has gone rouge. He hasn't responded to any communication attempts, and via last known sighting he was making preparations to head towards Tanius." *

"So Raius has gone rouge, and where do I fit in solider?"

"Sir, the Tyrannis Regent has assigned Third Major General Lativus to find, subdue and bring in for trial Petty General Raius. The Major is allowed an active three colonels for this assignment, and he has requested you sir."

"Well then" he paused thinking for a moment "Tell Major General Lativus I accept, and await further orders."

"Sir!" both of them said saluting again then leaving.

After the uniformed humans left Daius turned to find Klyzab in the corner of the kitchen.

" Did you understand that, Fred?"

" No, Daius." Fred said, as he knew enough of his speech to respond.

So Daius Picked up the small Klein Pseudo-Vulpine and brought him to the couch in the living room. He sat down and put Fred next to him, petting his fur softly as he tried to explain that he was going to stay with Daius's son for just a little while.

Fred tried to understand what Daius was explaining to him. And though he didn't know it he was fortunate, he was treated like a slow child where most of his kind were treated as sub human inferiors. Fred waited though and slowly he understood that he was going someplace new that was not Daius's house.

Fred went to sleep that night unaware of the horrors that would befall him shortly, and shape him so sharply in the future.

The Saga ch.2

So James9 seemed to like this so I wrote some more of it. Again this isn't original it's just a reimagining of something else. I do hope everyone enjoys though, sorry there isn't much yiff in it. The Saga ch.2 Character introduced in this chapter ...

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The Saga ch.1

Something I wrote on a whim, might continue it, might not. Hope you enjoy. Characters introduced in this chapter Marbble Sart - Maine Coon with odd swirls, large front claws. Son of Razen and Lilly Sart. Male. Razen "the hammer" Sart - Maine...

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Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A. : Part I Chapter VII

**I believe in complete and absolute non-ownership of everything, and so I do not claim to own these characters but rather submit them to public domain. If you wish to use them feel free to do so in any way (though I would like to be notified if they...

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