Wolfie Steel: Birth Rights Part 3.

The arctic wolf now looked at wolfie and spoke.

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Forbidden Blood 1

Soon she became careless and had gone too close because it wasn't long until she was found hidden behind a tree by a male arctic wolf, who had noticed her on the night before. "what are you doing here," said the arctic wolf in a curious tone.

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Embertooth - Chapter 10: Convictions

The arctic wolf had tied their wrists with a rope, blinked an eye and said casually: 'just in case. and let's hope we don't need to muzzle you, okay?'

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The Moon and the Star: Chapter One

The beautiful arctic wolf made sleeping well worth the time he wasted not training. the young knight rose from his bunk, his eyes looking over the other sleeping forms.

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Fall from Grace - Recruitment

The arctic wolf had circled about without them noticing and was now standing right behind the kodiak, right in chiefs blind spot.

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Chapter 1

#1 of the story of shadow the arctic wolf this is the first chapter of the story. ive been writing this story for a while and decided to upload it. hope you guys and girls like it.


The Night Of Halloween

"and i am going to go as an arctic wolf," brian said. "what about you niklas," kay asked the small boy. "well, i was thinking to go as my favourite animal," niklas said. "oh, and what animal would that be," oliver asked.

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Janner's tale 2-Late introductions

His wife, lilith, was also an arctic wolf, standing at 5 foot 6. she was a kind person who normally never raised her voice. she wasn't the most beautiful woman, but she was the only one who truly cared for someone..

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Beneath the Obsidian Veil, Chapter 3

Tommy is a white arctic wolf that's about six feet tall. he was one of the best basketball players in my school. but now he has graduated and is playing professional basketball.

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Infamy - Prologue

Michael's character was an arctic-wolf cleric. his small hazel eyes complimented his green leather tunic. he wore blue silk pants which only went down just past his calves, and no shoes or boots guarded his feet.

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Quest For Fur Chapter: 3

He was an arctic wolf! "what would everyone think about this? how would they react? probably some of the elderly people might think "what? an arctic wolf wolf walking on two paws like a human? what the hell is this world coming to?!?"

Furries University Chapter 4: What's this now?

Kitsune turned around to see a tall skinny arctic wolf with white fur. "hello would you happen to be named kitsune?" asked the arctic wolf. "yes" answered kitsune "why?" suddenly the arctic wolf embraced kitsune. "it's me ozwot!"

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