Quest For Fur Chapter: 3
This is chapter 3 of the quest for fur. If you see any typo's please let me know.
The next day Drew woke up ate breakfast, brushed his teeth and did everything else he usualy did in the morning. When he closed his medicine cabinet after getting some tylenol he let out a loud yelp! "AHHHHHH! Oh my god! I have a snout! Though it probally is not real." Drew grabed his new face to make sure it was not real. "Oh my god! It IS real! The wolfitis must have spread overnight. I have to go see the doctor immediatly!" Drew rushed to the hospital. "Hi. I am looking for Hope. Is she here?" Drew said to a woman behind the counter. "No. I am afraid she is not. And what happened to your face?" Replied the woman standing behind a big brown top counter. "It is the disease called "Wolfitis." Hope said she seen it only one other time. And she also told me that she forget's things almost instently. A sweet, young and charming lady like you would know how to cure it. Right?" Drew said to the woman. "Hmm... Let's look it up. And by the way my name is Caroline. What's your's?" Caroline replied. "Drew." He replied. "That is a nice name. Let's see... Ah! It says here "The only known cure for wolfitis is a rare plant in the jungle. The plant is called Anthurium. To get the cure you must collect some of the nectar from inside the plant and drink it. Then you will be cured 2 days after you drink the nectar." Caroline said. "Thank's Caroline." Drew replied.
"You'r welcome Drew." Caroline replied. Drew walked out of the hospital and looked up at the sky. "It is about high noon. Today is day one I still have 2 more days until I completly and permently transform. I am going to go home and get some rest." Drew said. He started for his house. When he got there it was 1:30. "Man! I live far away from the hospital! I am thinking about moving a bit closer to it." Drew said aloud. He went inside. He was too tired to even think so he went to sleep. After he woke up he went to look in the mirror. "Phew! Still the same." He said to himself. He went to go find the cure. Some where deep within the heart of the amazon rain forest he was looking for the Anthurium. After hours of looking and he could not find it! He decided to keep trying. He tried to find it a second time, he could not find it the second time. He tried one more time. He still could not find it!
(Usually after you try 3 times or more you give up.) So he gave up. Drew sighs. "I guess I will be a wolf forever then. Look on the bright side, it might be fun." Drew said to himself. He waited 1 more day. (3 days was when the transformation would be complete )That night when he went home he felt a sharp, and long pain all over his body! First he felt the pain on his lower back. Then a tail came out! Then a few seconds after that he felt the pain on his feet. He looked down and saw that his feet where changing into wolf's feet. The he felt the sharp pain heading twored his head. His ears formed a point and everything that was flesh grew wight fur! The pain stooped "Hm... At least I can still speak, and walk on two legs." He said. *Huff* *Huff* well... That wasn't that bad. Was it? Man. That hurt!" Drew said a loud. Drew went into the bathroom to see what he had transformed into. He looked into the mirror and saw that he was no longer human. He was an arctic wolf! "What would everyone think about this? How would they react? Probably some of the elderly people might think "What? An arctic wolf wolf walking on two paws like a human? What the hell is this world coming to?!?" Drew said in a elderly persons voice. "Hmm... I should go find Caroline." Drew said and started for the hospital. "Hell- Ahhh! A wolf! Wait? You walking on two legs. Could it be?
Drew?! Look's like you did not find the cure in time huh?" Caroline said to Drew. "Yeah. I used the old "3rd times the charm." It dint work out so well." Drew said to Caroline. "Maybe you should just go home and get some rest." Caroline replied. "Your right. I should. In fact I will go do it right now." Drew said to Caroline. Drew walked back to his house, opened the door to his bedroom, and fell on his bed. "Tomorrow would be my first day in this new form. What could possibly go wrong?" Drew said to him self as he fell asleep.