The Quest For Fur Chapter: 4

Drew woke up the next day and stretched. "Ah. That was a good stretch." Drew said a loud. He went to the bathroom, and looked in the mirror. "Ah! What happ-" Drew remembered the wolfitis. "Oh. The wolfitis." Drew did his morning routine. Brushed his...

Quest For Fur Chapter: 3

The next day Drew woke up ate breakfast, brushed his teeth and did everything else he usualy did in the morning. When he closed his medicine cabinet after getting some tylenol he let out a loud yelp! "AHHHHHH! Oh my god! I have a snout! Though it...

Quest For Fur Chapter: 2

That morning when Drew took his first step out of the cave about to start his epic journey he noticed something... Strange on his arm... It was a little patch of something he looked at it carefully. He tried to pick it off of his arm but it would not...


Quest For Fur Chapter: 1

One day a teen named Drew was walking through a large, grassy pasture. He looked up in the clear, blue sky. "It is about high noon. I wonder when I will be home" he said. After a few hours of walking he came across this strange looking cave... "What?!...

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