Ardring - Chapter 2

zerrif said, beaming. inside, his little brother sat, the dried up traces of his tears running down his face. he stared up, and just held his hands over his ears, and zerrif stared up. the whistling had gotten loud, now. deafening almost.

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Blips - Bittersweet Reunion

I'm back into writing zerrif's backstory (yet again, sigh), and it's also a kind of post to show that i'm not dead.

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She joked, shooting zerrif a playful glare. "ah, s'okay. e's the one payin the bill anyway!" rian giggled as he was ushered inside, and zerrif strode up giving the doe a hug of his own. "hey corelle."

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Ardring - Chapter 3

zerrif's mother interjected. she was a creamy colour, but somewhere in her family line had been golden brown. that's where zerrif got that from.

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Memoirs of Him - Park Scene 1

zerrif said, as he ushered the boy towards the washroom. "y'want pancakes?"_ _rian nodded silently, and just shut the bathroom door, while zerrif headed to the kitchen._ _the youngster knew to shut the door.

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Ardring - Chapter 1

zerrif said. the younger brother nodded, and dashed off, his tail curled up as usual when he was afraid of things. zerrif smiled, and continued on his way, following the chickens towards their coop.

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Gesture - Zerrif 1

Ardring is my "canonical" version of zerrif, involving his storyline, his abilities, etc etc. this zerrif is just one living in a modern age. i tend to do that -- i like one character and adapt them to multiple storylines.

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Ardring - Chapter 4

zerrif noticed that the tail was horribly frayed and tangled, as if it hadn't had a brush in ages. "what's your name?" "..." he forgot for a moment. "zerrif. zerrif astaire." he replied after a while of thinking.

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Ardring - Chapter 6

zerrif shivered, and when the cheetah stood up and offered a paw, he hesitated. but... he had to go.

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Ardring - Chapter 5

. --- "zerrif..." came guile's voice. he'd just recounted what he could remember, still curled up in a ball. he was sitting in the cheetah's lap, he could tell that much.

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(Yes, I do more than just write porn and full stories. And I realize that the last couple of things I've posted are both old, and unfinished. I haven't forgotten about them. I'm simply lacking inspiration on those stories. Odd how that doesn't work,...

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