Something vauge

My mind is blank. Burnt at both ends. Empty as the end of all things, Not a spark in the darkness, Not a ripple in that pond. The worlds shortest story. And yet. I exist. Never ever doing anything but nothing. Seeing nothing, feeling nothing,...

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Ch. 2: A Night At The Island, part 2

"i know, it's vauge." dean looked at the note and fiddled with his necklace. "hmm..." said tyson while he's stroking his chin. "you think i can help?" dean nodded. "i think that you can. at least, that's what i hope." "is that it...?"

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The Adventures of Maz and Arson

He seemed vaugly familiar to the doberman but he couldn't put his finger on it.

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Chapter 2

He was vaugely aware of someone asking if he was ok, before he blacked out again. a bright light woke travis followed by a creak and a thud.

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Chaos, and other job descriptions- Part 1

Andy raised his arms in a vaugely mystical manner, as if preparing to cast a spell. the tiger raised his paws to hip level, the dust swirling around them, as he prepared for a magical assault.

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Sunset, eyes closed, was vaugely aware of where she was. she was lying in something cold. snow, she reasoned. her mind was clouded beyond recognition. shoving the clutter aside, she focused on her memory, trying to jump start it again. 'okay.

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The Introductions

I shield my eyes, everything got blindingly bright, i peak through my arms and i vaugely see a figure standing there it was still too bright to really see anything. "zerato.. i don't think it's an enemy, don't you think it would have attacked by now?"

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A Mad, Mad, World - Chapter 1 Imprisonment

; an unconcious wolf was being dragged by two very large muscular human jailers, grabbing the wolf arm in arm as they walked down the corridor to his newly awaited cell.the wolf slipping in and out of conciousness; hears vauge

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Federal Bureau of Mystical Creatures

An ear splitting screech from behind makes him slowly turn to see the figure of darkness in the vauge shape of a man, "now for you." an evil laugh echoes in the deserted bubble of the mall, "you think you can defeat me lion man?"

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