Sigmundurr (Kreet 34)

Outside the underdark, where light and darkness alternated. where rain fell and wind blew and flowering plants grew. and above that was the sky.

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Threats (Kreet - 36)

Once she had thought the cave system she had been born in was huge - her whole world in fact - but compared to the underdark it was but a flyspeck.

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The Lion of the Underdark

They were halfway down the trade road out of the underdark when they heard pursuers. xizim looked back and saw several drow riding giant spiders, aiming crossbows.

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Eilistraee (Kreet - 39)

He could return to his life here in the underdark and go back to normal. she could leave without him, and he would not follow. she could just leave him to sleep. even urmelena was no threat to kallid.

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Departure (Kreet 35)

"you three are to be escorted out of the underdark," urmelena said unceremoniously when they stepped out of the doorway, "by order of the princess.

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Spellbound (Kreet - 40)

I've been in the underdark so long i've no idea how far i am from where i entered it," sigmundurr said. "that must have been a month ago at least!" "well, if you can't tell us where we're going, at least do you know what time it is?

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Ember - Kreet 83

When i lived in the underdark we all slept in one communal room." "yeah, but we're not in the underdark now. they see how the humans live, and that's what they expect. a good idea about the school by the way.

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Miss Tribi - (Kreet 72)

I suppose maybe it's true down in the underdark, but up here... the whole thing seems rather silly. mr. feltix is a bit... eccentric perhaps. be we get along just fine."

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Devotion (Kreet - 37)

Until this time, she had revealed little of her true powers to anyone since she had arrived in the underdark. she had told only kallid it's source, but circumstances had required it.

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Kreet the Monk - (Kreet 88)

The space was huge - almost as big as the underdark city-cave. in its walls, kobolds had tunneled out living quarters, while scaffolding rose high along the curved walls towards the opening above where the sky was seen clearly.

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The End (Kreet 31)

But no plans for what it will be yet, and it will have to come at the conclusion of our d&d game when hopefully kreet can find her way out of the underdark. which may be quite a while.

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Betrayal (Kreet - 38)

The carvings in the walls and on the doorway depicted a throng of dark elves, climbing a stairway - presumably this very one - out of the underdark and into lands above.

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