War Hound Chapter 4
Whatca doing here tyria?" "tyria is going to be stay with us while her place is worked on." samantha replies for tyria. "really?" and tyria nods. "yippy!" "well that went over well."
Komara Aegissage Profile
To save both him and me from further humiliation, i chose to leave the black citadel and instead find my own path in tyria. on the day that i left, only trig was sorry to see me go.
Something new to live for
Well i'm learning magic to be more precise illusions or what all tyria call us mesmer's, and usually all tyria sees our race the charr like mindless monsters that only thinks on war stuff and in one part they are right.
Warrick's Tale part 1-1
And most of the other races of tyria don't have good relations with charr, especially humans. so that left warrick feeling isolated, even in lion's arch where all races are welcome.
Warrick's Tale part 0
He won't lie and say he was the best older brother in all of tyria. maverick enjoyed teasing his little brothers perhaps a little too much. then there are all the arguments that he and warrick get into.
Severa Meets An All Encompassing Touch
Yet that was all back in tyria. severa was no longer a part of that world and the ghosts now accosting her, if she had assumed correctly that they were ghosts, were different. at home you could hit them, beat them, even kill them if needed.