Something new to live for

Story by Krieg Bloodfang on SoFurry

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#1 of Krieg and Kindle

This is the frist story I write about something that happend in rolepay since a lot of time now

My name is Krieg and I'm going to tell you a story, have you ever felt that your entire life is a complete nightmare and you are only hoping to wake up, but you can't? well my story, our story is about all the time we spent together from the moment we meet until now. This story begins with my return to home located in Black Citadel, I live with sire or Ragarn if you prefer he is my father but usually he doesn't care too much about me or my brother, lucky for him he is doing the military service in the legions, so he is not usually at home anyway. And me? Well I'm learning magic to be more precise illusions or what all Tyria call us Mesmer's, and usually all Tyria sees our race the charr like mindless monsters that only thinks on war stuff and in one part they are right.

It was early in the morning when I got at home. - "I'm back!" Yells when he gets at home expecting to see a familiar face to come and give him a welcome, but none was at home, so he unpacked his stuff and laid on the bed trying to get some rest from the long journey, so simple as that he went straight to the bed laid down closed his eyes and relaxed letting himself carry away to his dreams.

Some hours later he woke up in the afternoon and since he doesn't have anything to do he diced to go for a walk out of the citadel. He went to the Lake Adorea for a swing but instead of that he just let himself float on the water trying to forget all the problems he had with his sire, those problems even relaxed as he was now keep haunting him, the water was refreshing washing all is orange fur, and his spiky yellow orange mane, while he was floating in the water he could hear some drakes hatchings jumping inside the water but he wasn't paying attention to them.

With the arrival of the twilight he went back to the shore and started to walk back to the citadel, when suddenly a group of soldiers from the flame legion attack him from behind, a group of four soldier grabbed him and pin him on the ground and hold him down making sure he doesn't get free from them.

"LET ME GO" he screamed while the struggled all he could, but they hold him hard against the ground, -Well guys let's have some fun with him, so what do we do with him hmm? What about if we take his precious eyes at the end that the most precious thing for a soldier, he started grabbing a dagger and spinning it on his paw, "I'M NOT A SOLDIER" he keeps the struggle trying to break free from them "Does it really matter? Now hold him this is going to be really fun to watch." He stopped playing with the knife and kneeled near Krieg putting the knife near his left eye, at that moment I could only try to hope that someone saved me from that, but nobody came, I closed my eyes and prepared myself for losing the first one.

As they started to cut my eyebrow I started feeling pain and blood running through my face, they slide the knife cutting my eyelid, I almost fainted from that but when those traitors went to take my eye I passed out from pain and it was the best thing that could have happen to me at that time.

The next thing I remember was waking up on the bed with all my vision flurry, I felt a great amount of pain and for some strange reason very weak, as my vision started to clear up I could see my sire and another charr beside him, "Looks like he is coming back, for a second we though we lost you cub." He turned around and talked with the other charr "Would you mind taking care of him while I'm away, I have some duties to attend" and just before the other charr could give an answer Ragarn left fast. "Hey, wait up" the charr run after Ragarn but came back and took a sit knowing that he didn't need to stay, "Who... are you?" Krieg asked still tired feeling his head buzzing, "Me? The one who saved you and brought you here of course" said with a smile, "That doesn't answer my question?" looks the charr sitting beside him "Are you asking me that? anyway my name is Kindle and I suppose you are Krieg right? Your father and I had time to talk until you woke up".

"Yes, that's me, what happened? Cause I have a good headache" said as he touches a little his head and then he notices the bandages over his head "What the?" "Wait, you don't remember Krieg? A group of flame traitors got you and took your eye", at that moment Krieg attempts to touch the bandage and remove it but its stopped by Kindle grabbing his paw and putting it away, "Wait hold on you shouldn't do that until the wound is healed", Krieg lets out a long sight "How many days I'll have to wear the bandages?" "Maybe in a week or two why the hurry?" Kindle didn't knew the amount of time still he said something to comfort the wounded charr "it's not that I'm hurry it's just that I hate having things on my head and don't get me wrong I hate the bandages", Krieg can see Kindle laughing lowly "What's so funny?" askes him a little annoyed eyeing Kindle "Nothing" chuckles a bit more "Its just, no one likes to have something in the face"

During the next hours, Kindle and Krieg were talking all the afternoon about each other to know better, Krieg learnt from Kindle that he was in a warband of the iron legion, which means he is a soldier and from his point of view he looked strong, in the other paw, Kindle learnt that Krieg was, what the legions consider all the charr that are not in a warband a gladium, aside from that he is a magic user who is still learning his way with the magic.

"Kindle?" asked lowly while he opened his maw yawning, "Yes Krieg? Want take some rest?" "I think so, also..." looked at him "Yes?" he looks at Krieg with an enigmatic gaze "I would like to repay you for saving me so, I would like one day to hang with me and go to the tavern?" he was not sure if he will accept the invitation of the wounded charr, but Kindle smiled at Krieg "Sure Krieg, you are the first charr who wants to hang with me outside my warband" before he could notice Krieg was with his eye close and snoring lowly, he chuckles lowly trying not to awake him, he waited for his sire Ragarn to show up and go up with his warband.