Lost Friends
Onych and sythe broke the kiss and blushed and onych let sythe down. "we were just on our way there." with a nod the two guards started down the hall. onych looked at sythe and started laughing.
Kathrin's Specialty Outfitters: part 3
sythe breathed as well.
The Bashful Bee
sythe says, trying to cheer me up. i look around his house.
Outside Kobolds (Kreet 92)
sythe shook her head. "no. what goldworm gives is not mine to take back. oh! please, step this way kreet!" sythe pulled her to one side unexpectedly. "sorry. you don't know the traps yet.
The Master's House - (Kreet 94)
Fot and sythe laughed, and sythe explained. "kreet, don't be silly! gart will not bump with you! is that what you fear? your marriage vows will not be broken. he will just be your sleepmate. but if you don't like him, i can..."
Leader - (Kreet 96)
After introductions had been made officially, kreet turned to sythe. "sythe? i noticed something with all these families. none have any young children. am i wrong?" "no, that's right.
Kathrin's Specialty Outfitters: part 4 & 5
Exodus - (Kreet 98)
"sythe and fot, you stay with me. gart, you will lead." "but kreet," sythe said as she stepped up. "you are our leader." "well, i'll guide, but we need someone strong in front. i can guide, but i'm not strong. not as strong as gart anyway."
Shadow's Free
He was forced into sythe form. in sythe form shadow had several demonic markings on his blade, that ran across the surface. free had no idea how to use a weapon, so shadow did most of the work, free's scrawny arms flying like wet noodles.
Turning White
She froze up in place when she realised now, a week after it had happened, that sythe and red must have taken her top off to make bandages for her out of it.
TLOS: Darkness Rises: Chapter 2
Parrox summoned a sythe. it had a skull pendent on the the hilt of the weapon which he had long range attacks by throwing the sythe and it will come back to him which made him balanced. last but not least thorne.
Poem: Life & Death
The king of the dead says, "ne'er they goes" the mourner is not easily consoled the reaper's cloak conseals the syth of souls even the corpse is covered in mold life is like a fragile, frail flower many have tried to take control even wise men