Lingering Melancholy

It depresses him; but he's a generally a depressing sight nowadays- slouched on the patio with a cigarette draped on his lip, baggy eyed, shirtless, distantly staring with a bit of unkempt stubble trailing down his neck and smoke insulating in his hair.


Don't Stare like that

Nala stared at taylor, not saying anything for several minutes. "well," taylor began again. "i'm the front desk cashier. 9-to-5, monday through thursday, i'm off friday and the weekend."

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Foursome Fledgling Study Group

Knaster was only staring at reylin because she was staring at him, and yet she was staring at him just because he was staring at her, and they both just stared at each other.

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The prince and the pauper -a furry tale

He falls in front of a black car -he stares at the vehicle as someone opens a door. "hey you all right?" a wolf said staring at him. the wolf gets out and helps him up -the wolf stares at him and asks: "what is your name kid?"


Ferocity: Prologue

He stared at this face for a long time. an hour passed, as he stared intently, each minute passing by slowly, as he stared, and thought. he stared and rethought every thing. it was too late too go back. but maybe someone could stop him.

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The Sitter chapter 3

Trailed off, staring in shock as the young man sighed, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

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Freeing and Bringing Back

She was too busy staring at hyp's corpse. she didn't knew what was up to that runner since she saw him. first she had those strange feelings when she first looked eyes with him, and he just stared at her.

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One Last Dance

He stared and when he noticed the chikorita staring at him with a slightly worried expression as if she knew why he was staring. "um." he couldn't say anything. he knew it was rude to stare but he had never seen a purple chikorita.

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He stares at her for a minute, blushing under his fur. "you sure? i thought you might have wanted a woman to help you into that." she stares at him. "uh, what are you talking about?" he turns away.

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Sabetha, the Walker of Fate - Chapter 4, Alone...

Sabetha asked staring at the absol with her black, pupil-less eyes. the absol shook it's head walking up to beside sabetha sitting back down staring out across the lake.

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Venturing: Friend like Crow

Try staring onto there." yang nodded and raised the coin to her eye again. she stared for a few seconds. silence once again loomed over us while i waited patiently for her to finish.

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Unknown Worlds: Tale Mistake

I stared onto him bewildered with my eyes opened wide. i take a step forward towards him and reached my claw out to him. he paused and stared, i took the time to speak to him. "what is your name?" "me?"

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