Templeton the Rat and Pip the Ferret1
"you like that big fella," she asked templeton's stomach as she patted it, jiggling and sloshing it about, "well there's plenty more where that came from."
Experiment #1231: Appetite Supplement
slosh, wobble, bounce, gurrrrrrgggle...! you feel so stretched and full. so much growling and gurgling and sloshing and -- belch. you're losing your mind with arousal. "don't worry. i'll help keep you on track..."
POV vore - you and an ottertaur
You wonder if this sloshing ottery hell is the last thing you'll ever experience, if otter shit is the last thing you'll ever be. time to find out.
L'arc The Bloaty Lion: Shower
L'arc grinned widely as he stood in front of the mirror staring at and rubbing his taut, sloshing belly, there was nothing he loved more than enjoying his big, bloated lion gut.
Ask a Glass of Water
It was then, at the same time, that he felt something new sloshing through his chilled, liquefied figure. something which did what he had only felt a handful of times through all his massage experiences.
The Games We Play
He felt _something_ in him slosh around liberally at the movement he made.
The Rolling Tides
He shrugged and got up, being careful of his sloshing belly, grabbing his plate and getting more to eat.
J for Jelly
So marc began to try to struggle, if for nothing else to get the goo around him sloshing and wobbling about.
Beer Me
The chair beneath him broke, and sent the sloshing, hiccupping mass of fur onto its back. sol grunted loudly and yelped a bit at the sudden slam down onto his back, the weight of all in his middle sloshing heavily above him.
[c] The glutton's comeuppance
Already, the cyndaquil's small tummy was beginning to slosh out.
"i'll be back guys, probably more sloshed and considerably rounder too! i'll tell a good story when i come back too; promise."
Candy Hangover
He considered the mission accomplished, and backed his head slowly out of the dish as he felt his taut stomach slosh even more now that it was packed to the brim with water and sugar.