Lennymon 2

Lennymon 2 one day the ultimate flower was created it harnesses the power of oak tree witch was actually a legendary lennymon named blop it could suck lennymons in and take there dna by killing them with life suck,hsa always wanted to sacrafice blop

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Barren earth part 5

" i've found some on a distant planet on the other side of the universe." " that weapon is still in the design faze it's not going to be ready in time for us to use it." " yes it will if i have to sacrafice myself to make it work." " your fusion-arc reactor

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epitaph of a sacrafice

have you ever......? it feels like its been a long time. feels like never has finally arrived. now we must depart and there is a chance we may never see eachother again. my heart aches as tears flow from my eyes. you dont smile or cry you just watch....

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TSB chapter 11

So then i guess that you are making a great sacrafice for me then?" darkfire asked sadiscally. "your just lucky i love you so much." chilni said with a playful glare and sneer. "have you ever meet sirblood?" darkfire asked out of the blue.

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It's Dueling Time!!!! ch.4

And all of those 3 monsters appeared. then i said "now i sacrafice them all to bring out!" spencer's eyes were widen with shock and i said "sora, the ninja wolf in attack mode!!!!"

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It's Dueling Time!!!! ch.2

I continued said "now i sacrafice all of my monster to bring out sora, the ninja wolf in attack mode!!"

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It's Dueling Time!!!! ch.1

I said "now i sacrafice all my monsters to bring out my old and great friend, sora, the god ninja wolf!!!"

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The Tomes Of Malderon

"graymane has asked me to go on a suicide mission with him, i am willing to sacrafice my life for my king but i'm not willing to put his life in my hands as well. what should i do master?"

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Forever Forever Forever

Nothing is meant to last forever, even with sacrafice and good intentions. cody and becker, two high school sweethearts, are putting a decade behind them and moving forward, together or alone. artwork by the amazing @romecartoons.

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