Chapter 2: The rise of Exstacy (Part 1)
The daughter of the silent warrior redfox bloodfox and i will be the one to beat you!" exstacy then laughs and says," so that's where you got that battle stance and style from. your father.
Chapter 3: The rise of Exstacy (Part 2)
It's as flawless as redfox's stance. she couldn't seem to crack her gaurd. exstacy decides to make her move while vixen attacks. vixen makes her next move and prepares to slash exstacy where she stands. exstacy then says," gotcha!"
not so quite romantic first date , part 2
Mike was just a little kid at the time and was sent away being an underage orphan (14) he was adopted by a federal agent named chris redfox who had a step brother named kio s trinity . they took him in and babied him.
Of beginnings and endings in Venleaux Villa
It was here, in this room, my father died, end coming to him reclined upon the sofa, infection consuming his body as he bled post op on the fine leather seating. The doctor and his nurse had come to Venleaux Villa to see after him, to operate on the...