
Should not our hearts and souls come first, when finding a mate and life to share, if not for the flesh, but love, we thirst? It seems so crass, what's beneath one's skirt or pants should determine such affairs. Should not our hearts and souls...

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Hubris -Long form #2 writinggroupchallenge

#3 of writinggroupchallenge writing group challenge #23, "it was a trite platitude, but that didn't make it any less accurate." my take on a trite platitude: it offends the gods if man creates something that is perfect.

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Maybe Stop Telling This Man What He Wants

How often hath that platitude been strangled into song? by men who do not want, but have their little and their more. in rhymes perforce, in meter bad, they serve it to the poor.

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Empty promises atop a meaningless platitude. rote response and cliché phrase. do my words have meaning? am i talking to the ceiling? maybe i should stop. you talk. i'll listen.


A wave of crash and slosh and wash, rose from sharpened weathered rock, and spoke their lines upon the cast of wing and beak and eye so bright - thus assaulted the beacon stands as platitudes tumble back towards the sea, "the immortal


Don’t Need Your Guilt

Does is make yourself feel better while taking attention away from the actual issues with things that affect us we need more than just you feeling bad and crying about your whiteness into tissues no one wants your pity party or your half hearted platitudes

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“Premonition” - The Day Of

The harmony between carnivores and herbivores always felt like a lofty platitude, but he never expected to come so close to the reality. he continues eating some noodles prepared earlier.

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Hubris. #2 Writinggroupchallenge

This weeks writing challenge is: "it was a trite platitude, but that didn't make it any less accurate."

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Waiting for Alimere

I will do everything in my power to-" "you can stop with the platitudes, vixen." lionel grumbled, interrupting alimere mid-sentence. the fox was taken aback but blaze reassured her new advisor. "don't worry about lionel.

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Don't Let Go

The pastor spoke in platitudes. to some they might provide superficial comfort, but to him it was like saltwater on an open wound. but he had to be here. this is where he belonged. where else would he go? he could not imagine being anywhere else.

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Watch Dogs 9 - Back into Hell

Otto changed, he snarled slowly, causing even me to shiver, erik pulled a long-handled scalpel out of his shredded coat, it glinted evilly, and i remembered the old platitude about those who fight monsters.

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 17)

At the time, desmond had dismissed that as foolish platitude. but now, even though it still sounds ridiculous, he wants to believe. standing at the gymnasium door with a bloody hand, desmond silently takes a leap of faith.

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