A Song's Echo (Otherwise Untitled)

~ under the gaze of the evening's sun, the phonograph's needle was carefully placed down at the edge of the now spinning disc. crackling, and the song burst into the audible.

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Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 16 - Haunting Music

_"you will never take that record off of my beloved phonograph! a true scholar of music would understand such passion!"_ "b-but i-" _"silence!

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Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 15 - Another Mansion

He's been strange ever since he found this weird record, he loves music an' always loves to use this phonograph we have but...this song kept playing for him on this record and it...it kinda made him go weird.

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The Stonehouse Mysteries 1.1 - The Malicious Masquerade

She was always such a demure little thing, who disliked the idea of flappers and phonographs, parties and cocktails. i, on the other hand, was a social bulldozer.

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Piercing the Swordsman: Chapter 3

His shoulder- i mean i wouldn't _want_ it to be anyway because it guards us while we're sleeping-" the long metallic rope could be encircled around their sleeping bodies, like a tripwire, and an interruption of the current would set off a small phonograph

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The Patchwork Soldier part IV (revised)

Buried amongst the hair-like wires, a component resembling an ancient phonograph needle sat over a gap between two copper contacts: the security circuit breaker.

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The Patchwork Soldier part IV

Buried amongst the hair-like wires, a component resembling an ancient phonograph needle sat over a gap between two copper contacts: the security circuit breaker.

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Dark Author - Prologue

An ink well and a quill, made from a large black feather that seemed to glisten as though metallic, many loose papers, thick and yellow with age, written in english but still incomprehensible as though they were stereo instructions for the worlds earliest phonograph

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