Too Much Narcissism
The giant reptile exhaled as he stormed inside the locker room. The T-Rex breathed heavily as he shut the door and started to calm down. Rexar closed his eyes as he took a soft breath and wiped some of the sweat off his forehead. Rexar looked around...
We Stand By Him
With that information, this tiny not-story might seem like extroverted narcissism, but it isn't. i'm not him, i can never be him, as much as i admire him and his abilities. this is me telling him something.
Enter the Cat-Prolouge
His captor's voice had a deep resonant quality with a hint of narcissism. he remained silent and stoic never betraying his true emotions. the unnamed man's features grew clearer as more sunlight began to spill underneath the door.
A Forge of Heroes - Plans and Punishment
With his obsessive narcissism, speciesism, and general bullying, he was impossible. that too would've been fine, if there was any way to avoid him. but, sadly, there wasn't.
Some believe that being a traveler is committing yourself to a life of narcissism. that we crave this never-ending flow of knowledge in pursuit of something we'll never understand. i don't know if i'm searching for anything.
Gnoll Brigand: The Adventure (Prologue I)
._ **tribal elves** : _less delicious than the settled elves, but their narcissism is directed mostly toward other elves.
Nightfall - 4. The Darkest Night
My narcissism had extended to include him. we looked amazing together. my arm was around him and he was turn into me with his head resting on my chest. my eyes fell upon the bite marks i'd put on the soft spot where his neck met his shoulder.
The Forge of Heroes - Reunions
Where they would probably die, all as a result of her father's narcissism and their determination to stand by their friends, no matter the trial.
Accidentally Infinite
He felt that he never had the ego for it, much less the narcissism he figured was required to declare such a thing.
Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 16- Hidden Thoughts
"a sheer sign of complete narcissism made even worse by the fact that he's wrong. what he doesn't get, is that yes, emotions can hinder us, but they can also help us. the only thing we can actually control is how we react to our emotions.
The Life of Another - Chapter 24
The apology seemed to catch her off guard and my hunch about her narcissism looked to be correct. now that we were both focused on her feelings, and hers alone, she felt better.
Sebastian Grows Big
"on a less charming man that attitude would come across as narcissism." "does that mean a good or a bad thing?" "one cannot love others before they love themselves. you have a lot of love for others."