Revelations - Chapter 33: Conspiracies and Cover-Ups, Part 2

, the meadowlark asked. raenne held the clipboard with the visitor's list out, a fake smile on her face. "oh," the bird said, taking the clipboard and reading it. "got it.

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Flying Free

meadowlarks sang their beautiful song, and other small birds flew about. there seemed something wrong though, but he couldn't figure out what it was.

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Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 7- Silver Reality

He lives on meadowlark road, which runs alongside mine," klaus stated. "did i mention i wanted to get a house as close to his as possible? yeah..." "i see. hey uh... klaus?" lukan suddenly thought of something. "yes, lukan?"

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Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 18- Distance

It was haunting what meadowlark park had meant for him as well as klaus. and lukan felt that with tonight, it was going to mean yet another thing for them. his heart beat in his chest as hard as before, but for different and more daunting reason.

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Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 8- Enigmatic Request

Let us meet at the meadowlark park tomorrow morning at eleven so we can discuss more of this in person. i'm sorry that you may be getting dragged into something like this, but you need to know what's going on. i hope to see you then."

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What I Know

The lilting promise of the meadowlark. full of spring and harbingers of things. giving this place a 'youth' that shouldn't realistically be there. the station was decades old, probably. he didn't know how old this place was, exactly.

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