Against All Odds: Extraction Ch.8

Turning to rahne, the kyuubimon beckoned with her one of her tails to follow the much older digimon. ronin decided to follow, for the simple reason of that he actually enjoyed cooking.

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Digimon protecter 2

Armadillomon\>ankylomon\>shakkoumon\>vikemon shikimaru osada-the protector of courage jyarimon\>gigimon\>guilmon\>growlmon\>wargrowlmon\>gallantemon\>crimsion gallantemon/gallantemon x rin kuramoto-the protector of sincerity relemon\>vixiemon\>renamon\>kyuubimon

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Against All Odds: Extraction Ch.4

Granted, the manor was built to hold at least a pair of kyuubimon, but since rena was still slightly larger than a normal kyuubimon, she felt a bit cramped.

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