Korongo: The Beginnings - Chapters 1-3 Rewrite

Chapters included: ~ korongo: the beginnings - chapter one: a plump stranger ~ korongo: the beginnings - chapter two: eyes for another ~ korongo: the beginnings - chapter three: the pride korongo: the beginnings follows a young lioness as she develops a relationship

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Korongo: The Beginnings - Chapter One: A Plump Stranger

korongo follows a young lioness on her exodus with a rogue male, on a journey to create their own pride. naturally some weight gain and plump lions are involved! enjoy!

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Korongo: The Beginnings - Final Chapter and Epilog

Something huge loomed behind Kali. 'What are you doing? Ouch, stop that!' 'The fat one resists,' said a voice behind her. It moved away and edged around her and into her line of sight. At first, she failed to focus on the huge being that...

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Korongo: The Beginnings - Chapter 7

Kali awoke to the smell of something new. Water! 'Sikio,' she said groggily, 'I smell water. Are the rains here?' When she looked up and her vision came into focus, she found that there was not a cloud in sky. Still the smell was in the air....

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Korongo: The Beginnings - Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Kali woke early and sat admiring Sikio for a while, watching his middle rise and fall with each breath. The way his paunch spilt across the ground was a sight to behold. She looked him up and down and was just admiring his thighs when he...

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Korongo: The Beginnings - Chapter Two: Eyes for Another

**Chapter 2** ** ** The lioness's paws slid over the dirt as she tried to gain as much traction as the dusty surface would give her. She was sprinting; adrenaline pumping through her body as she closed in with the rest of the huntresses on the...

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