Some nights, Jared would wake up screaming. He would thrash about and cut himself, punch walls out and smash things up. After all that was done, he would usually slink back down to his mattress and cry himself back to sleep. His crying was not that of...
Drugs, Industrial, Rabbit, Weasel
Just random mucking around for my manga broken shards
the artisan manel dales sits in his little tucked away and crowded workshop in helexia near a busy commercial and industrial sector of warehouses and other workshops.
Commericial, Fantasy, Industrial, Magic, Medieval
This is a "day in the life of" tale and looks at uk victorian life in an industrial city, from a pair of innocent eyes. the dirty black streets and poverty are things she believes are totally normal.
City, Industrial, Kitten, Steam Punk
Location: New Vega, Eastern Section, District 14.
Time: 09:10am.
Year: 2180, March 7th.
After my quick descent into the city, I landed in one of the small alleyways that surrounded the clubs exterior. They were all clean, though not...
Feline, Industrial, Red Wolf, Violence (Not In Yiff), White Fox
Being a factory worker, he knew industrial accidents could cost a company a lot of money, and he also knew what vandals could do. ever the good samaritan, the drabull wasted no time altering his course towards the source of the noise to investigate.
DragonBull, Fat, Hybrid, Inflation, Sasukewuff, bloating, bursting, ripping, swollen, whipped cream
_designation: industrial - fabrication_
of course it was. that was what he was built fo-- no, not built, he'd been... no, he realized. built. he had been built for industrial purposes. that was him.
Betrayal, Donkey, Forcedshifting, Male, Mind Control, Programming, Rat, Robot, Science Fiction, Transformation, mechanization
#1 of short story challenges
challenged by "niblooey" to write a story about sailors, dragons, and industrialism.... >.> here we go! (i guess the industrialism would be the new naval ship?
Dark, Death, Dragon, Industrialism, Sad, Ships, Short Story, navy, sailors
Fur-tech industries.
Car, Cat, Clean, Guns, No-Yiff, Rabbit, chase, explosions, gadgets, rival, rivalry, spy
The two Vulpkin and their reluctant Saurkin companion made their way south, a pure blue and cloudless sky was revealing itself through the now parting forest canopy. Ferne could see far off into the distant landscape again, where the countryside...
Abuse, Adventure, Bears, Colonial, Dinosaurs, Emotions, Family, Foxes, History, Humans, Industrial, Lions, Love, Magic, New Era, Series, Tragedy, chronicles, expedition, journey, magnus, nationalism
"Lets see now..." Ferne said, scratching the back of her black and white ears with a slight frown on her face. She looked down at the small pile of supplies at her feet, "Two packs, two canteens, cooking utensils, extra clothes, sleeping mats,...
Abuse, Adventure, Bears, Colonial, Dinosaurs, Emotions, Family, Foxes, History, Humans, Industrial, Lions, Love, Magic, New Era, Series, Tragedy, chronicles, expedition, journey, magnus, nationalism