Hunting Death- Sick Fey
**sick fey** from rophan's journal: so get this. the fey i have been travelling with finally let me travel with them. i guess i managed to finally pass their test. i was getting concerned by how often they kept knocking me out and leaving.
St-ill... do you remember, i wonder, as myheavy eyes rest easy among unsure dreams never ending collisions of visions leave past decisions in an eternal state, forever pending...
Just Living Chapter 4
Just Living Chapter 4 There Frey stood in the living room of his apartment with a frown on his features. Both paws held onto his cell phone, the screen showing a number which he had dialed in. Right there and then he could simply press upon the screen...
The Evermor Prophecies - Rensgarde CH. I
I heard from my brother that ma was terribly ill. i was stricken with a terrible sadness. i couldn't even think straight. i ran to the doctor asking if there was anything i could do.
"The Thin Line," Part W
Suffice it to say that i was very sick to my stomachs. the only thing that was not unpleasant was a soft noise that was being made into my ear, which sounded like "wisht."
Malefor: TTO: An Old Illness
At a young age, malefor was diagnosed with the disease. it completely sucked, as it would leave him crippled for a short amount of time and made others hesitate before allowing him to go places.
Day 29 - Ill
His illness was not one to take things in stride though, its frigid and stony presence opposed the warmth of the blessing at every turn, devouring it with greed.
Ill Mind Of Bartan
"i'm just sick of it. and this year, i was especially sick of it. sick of the system, sick of the porn, and so damn sick of my own writing." some slightly sad looks from the other two as he took another drink. " much so that i wanted to retire."
"The Thin Line," Part V
\*\*\*\*\* The thing I remember about that day, right at the end of summer, was how beautiful it was. "King's Weather," they called it. It was brilliantly sunny, not a cloud in the sky, mild, and with just enough breeze to make the Royal Standard...
Lucky 7s
Author's note: this story was written in response to bell let's talk day which is an initiative to promote awareness and end the stigma of mental illness.
Guro Challenge #25: Organs
_hanahaki disease is an illness borne of one-sided love, causing flowers to form and grow in the lungs._ _the language of flowers declares marigolds a symbol of cruelty in love._
"The Trial: Part 1"Segment of my book "Planes"
Could the spellstone be making him sick? there had been no reports of anything like it ever happening before. he would have to seek council to learn the cause of his brother's vanishing illness.