Extreme Hoarding!: The Dragon

About the story: this is a spoof of a hoarding documentry program (ex. hoarding: buried alive, hoarders, animal hoarders).

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Dragon Balloon Day Submission: The Cosmic Lantern

With their penshin for hoarding, all sorts entered into that collection. that includes breathing room. that includes years it expects to spend upon this earth. "collecting" is sissy talk for hoarding.

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MLP hoarding is magic by mugman

"and what's not making them want there cutiemarks in hoarding? they could simple just hoard the same items as you, but you wouldn't notice from your own hoarding, "now then how do we stop this?

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MLP hoarding is magic by rosedust

She's more after her cutiemark then hoarding!" rarity spoke up after applejack was done. "yes, same with my sweetie belle, she'd never hoard!

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Dragon watching tours!

He didn't want to go through the pain of finding new ones and leaving his hoard unattended! why had humans suddenly decided to resume stealingfrom his hoard? hadn't he made himself clear enough ages ago?


The Misadventures of an Unexpected Dragon - Chapter 5

"we found the eztil hoard." i didn't know what the eztil hoard was--and i could hear the capital letters in the way he said it--but clearly the others did as a stunned silence fell over the crowd.

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Migratory Birds- Chapter 4- Flight (Part2)

hoarde started smiling too. "certainly," he agreed. "i have just one request: let us handle the lynx! we still got a score to settle." "do whatever you wish..." and he hold out his hand which hoarde shook willingly.

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Maiden Fair

"i thought dragons' hoards were bigger!"

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The Dragon's Scale

Clartheon turned and walked back to his hoard, he pulled a scale from his neck and set it upon his hoard. "for any foolish human who will attempt to steal my hoard..."

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DU Chapter 1 - It's Degonyale, NOT Dragonscale

So here's a series I'm going to start publishing here on Sofur. It's called "Dragonscale University", and it features a small red panda who was sent to the wrong school, a school for mainly _dragons. _Needless to say, it's mainly story building with...

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Shared Blood - Act 2

The young hybrid had settled on his mother's hoard and brooded. he had no home to go to and now no home to return to.

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Shift 001: The Dragon's Giftshop

I don't suppose you two fine gentleman could perhaps show me the way to the treasure hoard part of the tour?" "treasure hoard is off limits," one of the kobolds pointed his spear at the sign. "can't you read?" "well!

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