To The Third Power - Chapter 1

**EXCERPT:** She woke up hours later, in her own bed, her night light the only light in the room. She sat up, confused, not remembering how she'd gotten down from the top of that awful machine - out of the cage.Then the dream came back to her and she...

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Crimson on Copper - Excerpt from Inhuman Acts

**crimson on copper** **an excerpt from _inhuman acts_** **by tony greyfox** the interrogation room was small and cramped even when the perp sitting at the single wooden table was your standard, everyday criminal.

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Excerpt: Every Breath Closer - Inhuman Acts Anthology

Lowd, tana simensis, myself, solus lupus, huskyteer, tony greyfox, t.s. mcnally, alpinus, marshall l.

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Paranormal Lake House (part 1)

The muscular 6'5" greyfox glanced over to joyce, who stood at 5'4", j cup size and an attractive body for a coon. they've been together since middle school, seventh grade to be exact, as he smiled and looked at joyce.

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Second Thought

Second thought (team players â€" chapter 2) â© 2009 tony greyfox all rights reserved

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