a life of love and fury - part 1 - (bad start)

Child - 8 to 10 years age 8 on a snowy day , I was in home.eu was in part of the room , sitting in a chair reading , when I heard a strange noise coming from outside the house ! when I went looking to see WHAT was I saw a black beast with a head the...

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Werebeast Saviors

Mark muttered something to the wolves before furiae and leo were in front of the wolf of their choice. furiae stood in front of the wolf on mark's right and leo to mark's left.

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Olympia Prologue

On this planet, this planet called furia, there was only the furs and nature, a people and planet that lived as one. furia thrived in that time, a tried and true utopia for the living, a heaven if you will.

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The Night CH.1

So a group called "furia" arose. they took half the kingdom's army, and quickly set to work. now, years after the furia fought the corrupt king, and took half the land, gardom is looking to take furia's land back.

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Olympia chapter one

Reading the document a bit he then sighed and shook his head, "what the furia jess? this is nowhere near what i was hired on for." "oh? so you'd rather work in construction some more? i'm sure i can find you a project.

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Naruto Nidaime Juubi(Spanish)

._ _este charmeleon es nivel 21, sus ataques son: arañazo, lanzallamas__**(si se que lo aprende mas tarde pero recuerden quien lo entrena)**__ furia dragon y pantalla de humo_ "bueno char no me esperaba que fueras tan fuerte, pero supongo que contigo

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