Eyes of the Eagle
For nothing escapes the mighty gaze of an eagle and nothing can stir fear within the breast of a lion.
Eagle Transformation
With a flick of his wings, the golden eagle hopped up onto the perch next to the bald eagle, who seemed pleased with his work. they would begin searching for new additions the next day. he was free.
The Eagle and the Dragon
Adler the eagle belongs to fa: feber12 blazen the dragon belongs to fa: donog07 story by me **the eagle and the dragon** _written by: ash cinder_ _a gift for adler and blazen_ the eagle
Pathfinder: Intro
Nara woke in the abandoned, lean-to shed. The front wall had fallen down and there were cracks and missing planks in the remaining three, leaving the interior as frosty and cold as the outside. A light snow was falling in the morning air. Nara picked...
A Feathered Shadowrunner's Tail - A runner's memory; Feather's Story. (2) Part I
Is that an eagle?" "bit big to be an eagle, isn't it?" "looks like the poor thing got entangled in a hiker's bag or somethin' su'pose i'd better go do my good deed for the day." "you big goodie goodie you.
A Song of Freedom
Thermals rise off the sides of the hills as the sun goes down, and I rise with them, wings spread wide to catch their lift. Warm air catches at my pinion feathers, and I rise from the side of my hill. It's like holding your hands out in a...
Anima: The Camping Trip Chapter 4
My arms were now covered in feathers down to my wrists, their brown color matching those on my chest and assuring me that i could be only one thing, a bald eagle.
Anima: The Camping Trip Chapter 3
Being honest with Russel about what had happened on the boat was difficult. It's hard telling your friend that you thought they would harm you, but THE SITUATION WAS made worse by how you had to stop it. At first, Russel thought I was making stuff up,...
Appeasing Shadow (Otherwise Untitled)
#108 of short stories an eagle enjoys his evening. by how eagerly the eagle regarded the silhouette of his fiance in the door frame, it was clear that who to love one of the few lessons he'd declined to learn from his parents.
Becoming the Eagle [TF Story]
It most closely resembled a harpy eagle in shape, but its head lacked the fan of fluff that distinguished them from other species. its feathers were a deep magenta in color, and it had a small plume on the top of its head like a cockatiel.
Ch.4 Uprising
Volch looked up at the eagle's eyes. "i am training him well, he will be a strong warrior. by the harvest moon he will be as great of a figure as yourself."
A Feathered Shadowrunner's Tail - Coming to you live... (1)
> > > A Feathered Shadowrunner's Tail - Coming to you live... > > > ~~SnowDragon > > > > > > > > > > > > I've been GM'ing Shadowrun for about eight years now, and it's finally gotten to me to write a story about a group of characters I've created...