"dorulumon, digivolve to...!"
Adventure, Blackwargreymon, Digimon, Fantasy, Fighting, JagerDorulumon, MetalGarurumon, Wargreymon, WereGarurumon, dorulumon
As they rushed through the soaking-wet thicket, they were joined by mac and mark; the two wolf brothers as well as trey, the dorulumon and matt, the weregarurumon that rounded off the list.
Armagedemon, BanchoLeomon, Battle, Commission, Crossover, Digimon, Dobermon, Growlmon, Guilmon, Magnamon, MirageGaomon, Myotismon, Omegamon, Omnimon, Ophanimon, Piedmon, Rapidmon, Story, Wargreymon, Wisemon, Wolf, Wolves