It Started With Toast- Chapter 13

The stranger just stood up and walked right up to crunch, looking into his eyes crunch got this strange warm feeling and couldn't look away. smiling the stranger stroked crunch's left cheek.

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Tickled orange

He put on his boots and got up to look for crunch.

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The Crunch of Snow

Of snow that way the snow crunches underfoot just gives such a different feeling you know?

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Crunch The berserk: prolouge

Thid is the strange story of a creature from the swamp. He is a alligator furry, and looks like any other of his kind. Large, reptilian, and built for huntung in the swamps he calls home. Around the time of his birth, a very strange thimg happened in...

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Dignified Supreme Crunch (Otherwise Untitled)

~ handling the flimsy fork and knife with a delicate grace seldom wielded against such things with 'supreme' and 'crunch' in their title, da calmly set about apportioning the burrito into something he more closely regarded as food.

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Cry Me a Murder (Part four) : A Strange Crunching Underfoot

That night I played in the hotel bar. I played the guitar and a local musician by the name of Raymundo joined me on the keys. Going by the impromptu stage name of Sunny Dan and the Rayman, we played a bunch of jazz standards right out of _the Real...

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Cry Me a Murder, Part III - a Strange Crunching Underfoot

**a strange crunching underfoot** _previously: in that moment, a loud scream rang out from somewhere inside the hotel, and we froze mid-sentence.

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Furry Fan Interviews #8: FIESTA interviews CRUNCH from CRASH BANDICOOT

crunch: i'm sorry. fiesta: can we just...go out there and start the interview please? crunch: sure thing. (fiesta and crunch leave.

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It Started With Toast- Chapter 14

crunch handed him the shotgun before walking out of pinstripe's room. talking to himself crunch was thinking about the hooded stranger and wondering if he could be shot dead. walking past a window crunch looked down at the earth and remembered me.


It Started With Toast- Chapter 15

"crunch it was nothing really but you were crying quite loud." blushing crunch smiled and pulled kai into a hug. yet again kai was shocked but gave in and wrapped his arms around crunch and hugged back. "thank you kai."


It Started With Toast- chapter 12

crunch shook his head and continued to walk towards me. "crunch stay away from me!" walking closer to me, i growls and lunge at him but missing him, watching this crunch grabbed me and held me in a hug as tears filled my eyes. "crunch...why?"


It Started With Toast- chapt 11

Looking back up i saw crunch lying on the ground, looking back at the screen i saw that crunch had only 1/3 of the green bar left while crash had 70% left.

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