Gesture - Zerrif 1

Author's Note: While the ferret bartender in this story is named Zerrif, looks the same, acts the same, as is pretty much the same as the one in Ardring... he's not the same. XD. Ardring is my "canonical" version of Zerrif, involving his storyline, his...

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(Yes, I do more than just write porn and full stories. And I realize that the last couple of things I've posted are both old, and unfinished. I haven't forgotten about them. I'm simply lacking inspiration on those stories. Odd how that doesn't work,...

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Blips - Bittersweet Reunion

He never thought he'd see it again. Zerrif stared out over the Astaire Farms--or what he remembered were the Astaire Farms; the only thing was that they were nothing like he'd remembered. The once well-tended fields and cared for crops were now...

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**"I never believed that death was something that was to be feared, or something that was meant to make you sad. I digress-- mourning a death is natural, and it's a good thing. It means that the memory of the deceased actually MEANS something; it...

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Ardring - Chapter 6

The testing didn't end there. No, that was simply the beginning. In fact, all those needles were only a precursor to the things that were going to happen to him. At first, the injected spots started to turn darker, the fur dying to a dark brown--...

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Ardring - Chapter 5

He was thrown back mercilessly into the little room, slumping to the floor. He could hear a hyena laugh behind him, and he lay there, slowly curling into an undignified ball, shivering. Almost instantly, he heard a small thump, and paws were on him,...

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Ardring - Chapter 4

He woke up in a slight sweat-- having had a dream of something he really didn't want to have. Something about tasers, about needles; the sheer thought of trying to remember what he actually dreamed about sent chills up his spine. He moved to get out of...

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Ardring - Chapter 3

He woke up to bright, white walls, and something spinning above him. He moaned something, trying to piece together a word or two, and only coming up with strangled sounds and vibrations in his throat. There was warmth on his paw and he quickly stared...

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Ardring - Chapter 2

As he ran through the fields, the whistling slowly got louder. It was like something ominous, a warning of sorts, pushing him to go faster. His tail whirred behind him, panicked, mad, confused, scared. What the hell was going on, and why was he scared...

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Ardring - Chapter 1

The sun shone brightly over the Astaire farms, signaling that it had been morning for a while. Zerrif yawned, stepping out of the backdoor of his house, avoiding stepping on chickens as they scurried by, heading to the coop. He took a good look around...

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