Troy's Funeral(Chapter 28.5)

Ok, here is Troy's Funeral, I know, I should have done this sooner, but hey, I thought I had given Troy's older brother a name :P turns out I didn't. Anyways, enjoy. Warning! A sort of sad chapter. \*\* Gideon pushed Wyatt in front of him,...

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Home from School(Chapter 29)

ALRIGHT, So, before you read this, then post making me feel bad because it sucks, I'm not the best at winding stories down :P This is one of the few last chapters, believe me on this. It's not good, it's rushed, and at some points, it's absolutely...

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Making up(Chapter 28)

Alright, my next chapter, got some happy stuff in it. Actually, it's all happy except for maybe a few paragraphs. Anyways, it's short, I know. It's probably rushed too, lol. \*\* One week after Raymond's birthday Wyatt groaned as Clarice pushed...

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Sorrow(Chapter 26)

My next new chapter :P Enjoy! Warning! This chapter is very, very sad. \*\* Wyatt sat down on the bed next to Troy and said, "Are you alright hun?" Troy grimaced and said, "Don't know, the doctor hasn't told me." Gideon looked at...

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Hospitliazation(Chapter 25)

Coming back with a boom. Sorry it took me so long. We moved and I couldn't get internet back and I had the last chapters finished, but then I lost the flash drive I had them on and now I have to rewrite them. Anyways, enjoy! \*\* "W-what do you...

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First Day of Sophomore year(Chapter 24)

Enjoy this installment! \*\* Gideon shook Raymond awake and Raymond groaned as he rolled onto his other side and said, "Five more minutes." Gideon laughed and said, "We don't have five minutes. If we want to see our babies before our first day...

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Birth(Chapter 23)

My next chapter :) I think this one is considerably long, maybe my longest yet. All the legal stuff etc. Let's get to the chapter! \*\* Raymond opened his eyes slowly and he smelled pinesol. He sat up and stretched and felt stitches pull at his...

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Alec's Wedding(Chapter 20)

I just can't stop typing :P Hope you like this chapter as well. \*\* Gideon groaned as he heard the door open upstairs. Today was Alec's wedding and the day his father came home from a business trip, which means they would have to explain Raymond...

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Shocking news, (Chapter 19)

ugh, I was going to keep you people waiting but I was to anxious to not write it lol. Anyways, skipping the boring Copyright stuff let's get on with another installment of my story that keeps getting longer. \*\* Gideon stared in shock as Raymond...

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Adoption(Chp11), Dinner with Alec(Chp12), The Dance(Chp13)

Ok, so, I know I have been rushing my stories and running scenes together into chapters. Sorry about that and hopefully this will be the last time I do that. I set myself up this time. I'm going to try to not rush this one at least. All characters...

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The thanksgiving tradgedy(Chapter 8)

Chapter eight is here :) All the characters are mine, even if names/appearances are the same as any others on this website. If you are under 18 do not read this, if you do don't get caught, it will be bad, trust me I know. :) ...

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Happiness! or not(Chapter Three)

Third Chapter, I'm doing good with this I think. Sorry for any spelling mistakes or anything else. Please put any mistakes you notice into a comment and I will try to fix it * * * Gideon walked home after his hospital visit to Raymond, smiling a smile...

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