Making up(Chapter 28)

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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#26 of Highschool Days

Alright, my next chapter, got some happy stuff in it. Actually, it's all happy except for maybe a few paragraphs. Anyways, it's short, I know. It's probably rushed too, lol.


One week after Raymond's birthday Wyatt groaned as Clarice pushed him out the door, "You are going to talk to Dylan about this little fight, whether you like it or not."

Wyatt sighed and complied, getting into the car and turning the radio on so Clarice couldn't talk to him. He looked out the window as she drove the short way to Jack's house. When she got there she forced Wyatt to walk up the sidewalk to the white house and knock on the door.

Jack answered and smiled before hugging and kissing Clarice quickly, "Well, what a surprise."

"Oh, you knew I was coming and that I was bringing Wyatt," Clarice said with a grin.

"Yeah," Jack said, "Dylan's in his room."

Wyatt walked into the one story house and down the hall to where Jack had pointed out Dylan's room. He knocked on the door and heard Dylan's sweet voice say, "Come in."

He walked in and Dylan's expression turned foul and he turned back to his book, completely ignoring Wyatt. Wyatt made a few failed attempts at starting a conversation so he left and sat down on the couch in the living room, watching the show that Jack and Clarice were ignoring as they kissed.

When they pulled apart Jack noticed him and blushed, "I thought you were talking to Dylan."

"He ignored me," Wyatt said, keeping his eyes on the screen.

Jack sighed, almost a growl, and stood up and walked down the hall, coming back a moment later pushing a very reluctant Dylan and sitting him on the couch next to Wyatt. He sat down on the love seat across the room and said, "You guys are going to talk this out, or you will not leave this house."

Dylan growled and Wyatt said, "If you're going to make us talk can we at least do it privately."

The two left the room and Dylan scooted as far away from Wyatt as possible. "Listen, Dylan," Wyatt started, "I... understand that you're mad at me. I snapped at you and haven't explained why I did."

Dylan now looked curious. Wyatt started to speak, "The day before I snapped at you, Troy died."

"Oh," Dylan said.

"H-he died of a disease that the doctor thinks was an unknown STD." Wyatt continued, "And you flirting with me just made me... so angry. I wasn't thinking properly. I-I'm sorry."

Dylan scooted closer to Wyatt and said, "I didn't know about Troy. If I had... I would have understood." Dylan put his arm around Wyatt's back. Wyatt put his arm around Dylan's shoulder and Dylan leaned over and shrank into Wyatt's side. He fit perfectly.

"Alright," Dylan said, "tragic story for tragic story."

Wyatt looked at him confused. "I'm going to tell you about MY first boyfriend." Dylan said.

Wyatt looked at him, his attention fully focused. Dylan untangled himself and left the room for a moment and came back with a picture. Wyatt gasped and touched the boy laughing with Dylan. "That's him," Dylan said, tears in his eyes. "Trevin."

"A human?" Wyatt said incredulously.

"Yes," Dylan said with a smile, "a human, and how lucky I was to have him. He was sweet, smart, funny, and he was absolutely gorgeous. He was unique, he had a heart of gold. Never would have hurt a fly."

Dylan was crying full out now. "I told you that my parents died in a car crash. I didn't tell you that Trevin and I were in the car. We were driving home from school on the last day. It was Trevin's birthday and we were going to drop him off and then I was going to go home and get ready for our date that night."

Dylan wiped his paw across his face, smearing the tears. "A drunk driver, yeah in the middle of the day," he said to Wyatt's shocked face, "slammed into the side of the car that he was sitting on. The crash didn't kill him. The glass of the windows shattered and a large shard buried itself in his throat."

Dylan wiped his eyes again, "The same with my mother and father. If Trevin hadn't been sitting where he was, I'd be dead and he'd still be alive."

Dylan was burying his muzzle in his paws as he talked. "Jack and I stayed long enough for the funeral and after that, I kissed his mother and father goodbye, hugging his little brother- who was practically my little brother- and then, we disappeared. I couldn't stay any longer. To many memories."

Wyatt scooted closer to Dylan and put an arm around his shoulder. Wyatt wiped Dylan's tears away and kissed him softly on the lips. He tried to pull away but Dylan grabbed the back of Wyatt's head and knotted his fingers into the fur, pulling Wyatt's lips to his and kissing him passionately.

Wyatt submitted to the kiss, absolutely no hesitation in his actions as he opened his muzzle and allowed Dylan's tongue into his muzzle, rubbing against his own tongue. "You two done talking yet..." Clarice said, "Oh," she added, blushing furiously and quickly trying to push Jack back.

It was to late. "Woah," Jack said, shaking his head, "I mean, it popped into my heads a few time, but I never really believed you would get together."

Dylan pulled away from him then and blushed fiercely as Wyatt pulled him to his side. "You fit perfectly," Wyatt said as Dylan leaned into him.

"Just like Trevin did," Jack said.

Dylan almost started crying again but Wyatt prevented that with a quick kiss. Dylan sighed and leaned his head onto Wyatt's shoulder, placing his paws on Wyatt's chest and rubbing up and down Wyatt's slim, feminine body.

Jack sat down and Clarice joined him. The two couples had a staring contest, each staring at their own sibling. In the end, the two older ones looked away and the two younger grinned and kissed each other. Jack chuckled and said, "Glad to see you two happy."


Wyatt grinned at Dylan as they drove in the backseat of the car, going towards wherever Clarice and Jack were taking them. "Where are we going?" Dylan asked again, irritation plain in his voice.

Wyatt reached over and pulled Dylan's head down so that it rested in his lap. Wyatt started to stroke Dylan's fur and whispered into his ear, "Be patient."

"Patience isn't my strong suit," Dylan whispered back.

Wyatt kissed him on the lips and whispered, "Every time you manage to stay patient, I'll kiss you as a reward."

"That's cheating," Dylan said, "if that's my reward, I'm never going to rush anything, and we're never going to get done with anything."

Wyatt grinned, "Maybe that's what I want!"

Jack started laughing in the front seat, "If you want him to be patient for a kiss, you're never going to kiss him."

Dylan glared and said, "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, Trevin did the same thing Wyatt's trying to do." Jack said.

Dylan's eyes watered yet again and Wyatt kissed him one more time, playing with a few strands of his fur. "I guess that's true," Dylan said quietly. "But will you stop reminding me of him?"

"Sorry pup," Jack said, looking back.

"Don't call me that!" Dylan said, growling slightly.

"Or what?" Clarice asked, "the puppy and the kit gonna team up on him?"

"Maybe," Wyatt said, kissing Dylan's cheek and whispering, "I'm with you hun."

Jack laughed as he pulled into the parking lot of the park, "Alright, let's see what you two can do."

Jack ran out to the middle of the field and turned toward them. Dylan laughed as he and Wyatt climbed out. "Don't bother with it," Clarice yelled at him, "they're going to take you down and you know it."

Jack laughed, "No they won't."

Wyatt grinned and pushed Dylan ahead in front of him as they ran at Jack. Dylan jumped into his chest and Wyatt jumped onto his back. "Umph," Jack grunted as he got used to their weight and started to walk towards where Clarice was setting up a blanket for a picnic.

"Shit," Jack said as he toppled over onto his side next to the blanket. Dylan sat on top of him and Wyatt sat next to Dylan and they started laughing, all of them. Jack pushed them off and sat up and grabbed them both around the necks as they all laughed.

He rubbed their heads together and grinned at the two and said, "You may have made me fall, but I still win!"

"Nu uh," Dylan said, punching his shoulder.

"Uh huh," Jack said, sticking his tongue out at Dylan. Dylan grabbed Jack's tongue and Jack said, "Eww."

Dylan laughed and hugged Wyatt as they sat down at the picnic table where Clarice had set everything up. "Alright, now that you're done roughhousing, I guess we can eat," she said, sitting down across from Wyatt.

Wyatt grinned and started loading the plastic plate in front of him with food before passing everything down to Dylan. He dug into the food immediately, blushing when Dylan said, "Holy shit, slow down."

He winked once and then continued to eat. When his plate was empty yet again he leaned heavily against Dylan and sighed. "So," Dylan whispered into Wyatt's ear, "does this count as our first date?"

"Maybe," Wyatt said, tilting his head up and kissing Dylan on the bottom of his chin. "But I hope so."

Dylan grinned and kissed him on the lips. Wyatt pulled back and said, "Corny."

Dylan laughed before kissing Wyatt yet again.


I know, short, ends horribly, but I was anxious to get the next chapter out. I'm sitting here playing video games instead of typing and it makes me sad :(. Anyways, positive and negative feedback, if you say it's rushed I will murder you, I already said it was, you don't need to repeat ;)