Star Fox: Ascension #09 SACRIFICE
Chapter 09//SACRIFICE \<\< EarthWalker Territory, Planet Sauria \>\> For the doctor, it hadn't been easy to convince the EarthWalker King to order his people to flee their homes. If Tappa and his colleagues hadn't worked so hard to earn the...
Star Fox: Ascension #10 HUBRIS
Chapter 10//HUBRIS \<\< Arwing 01, In Orbit around Planet Sauria \>\> The bright light that had consumed the space around them began to fade and the two foxes could see again. Without any hesitation the fighting resumed, the hot streaks of...
Star Fox: Ascension #05 REPRISAL
Chapter 05//REPRISAL \<\< Force Point Temple, Planet Sauria \>\> There was no need to inform him that the Grand Gambit's attempt to breach the door had failed. The power of his flagship's main gun had sent vibrations through the entire...
Star Fox: Ascension #11 ASCENSION
Chapter 11//ASCENSION \<\< Somewhere in Saurian Orbit \>\> It was cold. Really cold. White lines were in front of him, like a spider's web, wrapping Fox up in a cocoon of biting ice. With each breath he drew he knew it might be his last,...
Idle Hands
When Tabitha Carmichael had first ripped off the little slip of paper from the cork board on campus, she'd intended to call the number the next day, but that did not happen, of course. She got so distracted and busy that she'd completely forgotten...
Romantic Purrsuits #2
Abigail was so nervous that she had to turn the radio up louder in her car, her hoping it would drown out all the negative thoughts swimming in her head. It was David Bowie, singing to her to take her protein pills. The dour tune didn't sit well in her...
Star Fox: Ascension #04 INFILTRATION
Chapter 04//INFILTRATION \<\< EarthWalker Territory, Planet Sauria \>\> His GPS was telling him to go a different way, but Fox trusted his new guides. The King of the EarthWalkers gave him a small group of warriors to help him find the...
Star Fox: Ascension #07 OBLIVION
Chapter 07//OBLIVION \<\< Force Point Temple, Planet Sauria \>\> Several minutes had passed since the girl had told Fox to wait, and it was starting to make him anxious. He had no way of knowing when or if the patrols would start tightening...
Star Fox: Ascension #06 PACIFICATION
Chapter 06//PACIFICATION \<\< Unknown Location, Planet Sauria \>\> [Breaking Link. Current Signal Strength Requires Further Calibration.] "What did I do!" Krystal panicked as she watched McCloud writhe on the ground, clutching his head...
Star Fox: Ascension #08 TERROR
Chapter 08//TERROR \<\< E.B.S. Grand Gambit, In Orbit around Planet Sauria \>\> "Sir, please, we must get you to Medical! You are badly injured!" Admiral Scales shoved the doctor, actually his Chief Medical Officer, out of his way,...
Star Fox: Ascension #01 ORIGINS
Chapter 01//ORIGINS \<\< Research Station Intrepid, Planet Sauria \>\> "Good morning, Dr Adger." The young vixen said as she passed a middle-aged badger in the hallway. The older man nodded his head and continued on his way as the...
Star Fox: Ascension #03 IMPRISONED
Chapter 03//IMPRISONED \<\< EarthWalker Territory, Planet Sauria \>\> With jungle all around him, Fox discarded his white vest and red scarf and left them in the cockpit of his Arwing. He didn't need to give away his position any more than he...