Ouija’ust Wanted To Have Fun

Disclaimer: This is a Halloween themed short story. All characters except for Krystal belong to me. Krystal is the sole property of :iconKamduis\_Ravenpaw: and is a white wolfess with ice blue eyes. She sometimes has wings.. Dominique, Edward,...

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When My Brethren Call

I hear my brethren calling me, outside, down below. I see them cavorting, The stars and moon marking them with a guise of wisdom. How I wish I could shed this unwelcome body. Leave this frame to run in fur. I am stuck though, only able to...

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Dire Wolf Forgiveness

She was unable to stand watching the others fight, though tensions were high enough that she herself was growling but stifling the instinct to attack as the others had. She trembled once before snarling and leaping forward on aching yet strong legs....

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Dire Wolf Rivals

Cryo hesitated only for a second before touching the shoulders of her hunters. She was sure of them, knowing that they were the faster wolves, the ones finding it best to hunt. They were gone in a smoky flash- their feet were swift, their movements...

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Dire Wolf Hunt Preparation

**This is chapter one of my new mini-series for the SoFurry Winter Contest. I hope you all enjoy it, and look for the next **** two chapters, hopefully all up by the weekend!** **Characters are (c) to me!** Falling snow had a distinct sound to a...

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The Northern Lights

This is a gift piece, for a friend. I'm not one for writing many of these, but...these are rather awesome sometimes! I was halfway through writing this when I discovered that explanation about the Northern Lights! There was snow everywhere. It didn't...

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Falling to Pieces

There was peace in the snow-coated forest, nothing even a lifted nose to distort the muffling effect of the icy blanket. The trees towered far above the small cabin, and the two creatures inhabiting it, though smoke puffed lazily into the air. Inside,...

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Important Memories - Singer

Light blankets the wilderness, highlighting the trees with silver, the caressing rays coming from the moon. It was night-time for most creatures, but for me it was time to go hunt. Ever since my mother made me leave the pack, I have had to scavenge,...

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No longer alone.

This is the second part of my birthday present for Ozone, and something which I have written myself. Just hope you like it when you do read it, since you definitely do deserve it, no matter what you seem to think. If you don't like it then just bite me...

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A week of dates

I waited, nervous smoothing back my hair, and wishing that I had bought a scrunchy with me to put it back with, when I heard a curious noise. One familiar to me, but so out of place that it couldn\'t be real. Except it was. Fin had gone to a nearby...

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Finding him.

It was a normal winters night, the first time I saw him. A little warm for my liking, but the moon and stars shone in the inky black sky, gleaming in his deep brown eyes. As I saw him, for he startled me, I spoke to him, calling to him, warning him of...

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Diago's Adventures in Australia

The retriever yipped with excitement as the plane touched down, the skies outside as blue as blue could be - a far cry from the stormy skies of England he had left. His brown coat glistened; his blue eyes glittered with excitement as he fidgeted in his...

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