Finding him.
#1 of I give you my heart
It was a normal winters night, the first time I saw him. A little warm for my liking, but the moon and stars shone in the inky black sky, gleaming in his deep brown eyes. As I saw him, for he startled me, I spoke to him, calling to him, warning him of the dangers of the road ahead. You see, this wasn't a guy I was talking about, but a fox, one who had startled me early evening that day. With a flicker of his white tipped tail, he walked calmly across the road, and then stopped, waiting for my own movements, which I took smoothly, not wanting to startle him into a foolhardy move, murmuring softly to him all the time.
"Easy now Dearheart, don't do anything silly." He turned, and looked over his shoulder at me, before disappearing into a garden a few feet away. As I carried on walking, my tail swaying with every step, my nose twitched, his scent, strong and musky, yet not unpleasant sticking in my mind. I reached the road and crossed over, stopping once more, to regretfully look over my shoulder, having felt someone, or thing watching me. Low and behold, there he was, watching me from the path. Murmuring a goodbye loud enough for his sensitive ears to hear, I reach my destination, my friend Furrow's house, from the road where the fox had been, and had now disappeared from.
As I shook my head and walked up the path, his door opened, music, lights and a confusing array of smells hitting my wolf nose. Pausing for a moment in the entrance, I push my most startling feature out of the way of my eyes, the long jet black hair falling in glossy waves to my back. Furrow fills my immediate vision, and I smile, before leaning forward to give him a hug, and to whisper gently into his ear.
"Thank you, for inviting me. You know how I feel when I'm left alone for too long"
"Hmm, you look good enough to eat, Wisp! Come with me I'll introduce you to a few furs I know" As he started the sentence, he swept his eyes over me, looking rather as though he wanted to eat me himself, but causing the fur to raise on my arms through self awareness. I knew what I had chosen was revealing to just the point of indecency. But when a shapely wolfess CAN'T wear a leather miniskirt, with chains on, her favourite high heeled black leather boots, and mini chained boob tube, and not get noticed, something is wrong. As Furrow led me forward, I saw myself in the mirror, and blessed nature for giving me some sort of good looks, and that listening to advice from older girls had paid off.
I knew my makeup stood out from most here, mainly due to the fact that my green, almost feline eyes looked haunted, mascara and eyeliner also lending a vulnerable look to my normally experienced face. Faces passed me, and a drink was put into my free paw before Furrow went off to deal with more arrivals, leaving me near the music, and what appeared to be the designated dance floor. Sipping lightly at the drink, pleased to find that Furrow remembered my dislike to most alcohols, had passed me a white wine, watered down a little with lemonade. Tapping my booted foot in time to the music, I sipped my drink, just relaxing and looking at the various species of fur around, all around my own age.
It was with a small gasp of shocked surprise that I met again, for the second time this night, a pair of eyes so deep and unfathomable, they could only belong to a fox. He appeared to be watching me, and so, heedless of what he thought, I drained the last few sips of my drink, and walked out onto the dance floor, beginning to sway my tail and hips in time with the sultry music. With a soft sigh, unbidden from my slender muzzle, I raised my chin, as though someone had gently tugged it upwards, and then arched my body down, pushing my ody against the same imagined paw, and then relaxed, getting ito a more relaxed music, my eyes searching once again for that of the fox's, but unable to find him.
Stupid, now I've lost quite possibly the most unusual, stunning guy here, all because of my dancing.I thought crossly to myself, never allowing the small smile to slip. As I turned, I bumped into someone, an then nearly fell over, until that someone's hand caught my elbow, and pulled me gently towards them, steadying me with the other paw on my wiaist. It was as I started to apologise, that I realised just WHO had caught me, and I blushed, the color betrayingly bright in my white cheeks. It was him, the fox, the one that so reminded me of the one from earlier. I hadn't noticed him approaching me, and now he had me caught in his hot gaze, it was like he had me enchanted.
I continued to move to the music, draping my own paws unhesitatingly over his shoulders, and my cheek against his chest, for even in my boots he was taller than me. With my head tilted up, we spoke while dancing, close enough to each other for the music not to affect our hearing, just listening. I found out his name, Finegan, and his age, 20, making him about a year older than me. As he spoke, I could hear faint traces of an irish accent that gave me chills down my spine, raising my hackles the intense physical attraction I could feel between us. By the time the party started to quieten down, we were cuddled up on a couch, his paw stroking my knee and to the edge of my leather skirt gently, the movement more soothing than arousing at this point. It was only when Furrow came into the front room, tired out and grumbling that we realised we had sat together talking until 5 am. With a sigh of regret, Fin pushed me off his lap, and got up, bending to kiss my nose, before haking Furrows paw, and leaving me, shocked and shy around Furrow.
It was with a grin that Furrow sat down beside me, noting the pink in my cheeks, slightly tousled hair, and the look of confusion on my face.
"I guess you met Fin then, I thought he'd like you and vice versa..."
I stayed at Furrow's that night, sleeping in his spare room in one of his shirts, planning on helping him tidy up once I'd got some slee. However, once I lay down, my head agaiin filled with images from the night before. Of Fin's face, fin's eyes, even Fin's lips.It was with a blush that I thought this, a small shiver running over my body.Just as I closed my eyes, the pleasant evening having caused my mind to unwind, that I realised we hadn't made any arrangements to meet again, nor had we swapped email addresses or phone numbers. After I had thought this, sleep didn't really seem that good anymore, so I went downstairs, and began methodically clearing it of rubbish, ending up with at least three black bags full of cans.
Now suitably tired out, and with the dowstairs looking a lot better, I curled on the sofa where Furrow and I had sat, huddled up into a little ball, and accidently fall asleep, to dream of him with me again. It's much later that I wake, now covered up, but with the feeling I'm being watched, though not by just one set of eyes, now I feel two pairs watching me as I sleep. And so I feign waking up, stretching, muttering, and tugging the cover over my head. Strangely, all I smell is him, Fin, and I wondered how his scent had drifted into my consciousness.
As I slowly sit up, I blink, as the sun had risen high now, and was shining directly into my eyes. I hear someone, who, with the reflection of the light, I cannot see, get up, and walk slowly to the blinds to half close them, I look down, noticing for the first time the small table beside me, and on top of it, a small vase with a barely opened red rose bud, which makes me gasp with surprise, only for me to look up, and see Furrow grinning awkwardly at me.
"Get up, lazy bones, and get dressed. You can wear one of my longer shirts if you like, you know as a dress." His amber eyes glint as he looks at me, making my pulse race nervously. "There's someone waiting for you in the kitchen." Not wanting to go directly into the kitchen, I stop for a moment to grab a towel, as well as the shirt promised to me, again black, and also grabbing the silver belt I had previously left here.
I shower, hurrying through my daily ritual, and wash my long hair, letting it dry natually as is my wont, before looking in the mirror, and smiling happily. My body wasn't all that bad, not overly big, but not stick thin like most girls. I slip on the shirt, and blush a little at how short it is, a little over halfway down my thigh, but then ignore it, putting the belt around my waist and tightening it, making curves appear that I knew I didn't really have. As I looked at the clock, I gasped, and hurried brushing my teeth, and combing through my long hair. It was with trepidition that I walked downstairs and then found the note on the side, along with an apple.
Reading the note, I tilt my head ever so slightly. The note gives me instructions on where to go, and I follow them faithfully, led on a treasure hunt that eventually finds me holding a picnic basket full of food, drink and cutlery, and also a final note for me to go outside, where I find, waiting patiently for me, the one face that had filled my dreams. Fin's.