Pokemons Gift Chapter 6: Memories and lessons

Terra waited outside the store that Ark had went into for supplies. It wasn't because Pokémon weren't allowed in fact they were encouraged to shop with their trainers since they were more likely to buy treats for their companions if they were with...

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Pokemons Gift Chapter 5: The Eternal City

Fog had settled in late last night giving the forest an eerie look. The normally alive and vibrant colors were now subdued and dull. The only warmth seemed to come from the smoldering fire. Shadow's floated in the distance from unknown sources. Terra...


Pokemons Gift Chapter 4: Into the Forest

The sun was just peeking out from the horizon giving everything that was touched by its light a heavenly beauty. "This looks like paradise doesn't it?" Commented Ark. Terra just nodded, wishing that she could speak with him as easily as he...

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Pokemon's Gift Chapter 3: Some advice and an errand

"How about Lily?" The lopunny shook her head. "How about Mira?" No. "Krista?" Another no. "What could your name be?" Ark had been pondering it for the last hour, suggesting names he thought fit her, each time he had...

Pokemons Gift Chapter 2: A new beginning

-What have I done? - Ark asked himself. He had made a "True Oath" and was going to have to deal with the consequences of it whatever they might be. -Its going to come back to haunt me I just know it.- "Well thank you for your help Ark." A sarcastic...

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Pokemon's gift chapter one: A painful start

Ark woke up to the sound of his alarm, got out of bed, dressed, and hurried outside ignoring breakfast. Ark was in a hurry today since one of the miltanks was due to have an egg hatch. Since it was his job as a farm hand to make sure everything flowed...

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Pokemon's Gift: Chapter 14: Part 1

Ark couldn't sleep; he was far too excited and nervous to get even a few winks. He had no idea what to expect from the gym challenge other than the majority of the Pokémon used there were grass. This meant that most of the Pokémon could hit Raven when...